5/18/2012: Libby Nelson of Insidehighered.com has a much better piece than the crap the NYT has been pushing on this issue.
UO Matters
5/17/2012. But instead we have a baseball team like they do, thanks to Pat Kilkenny and his tool Dave Frohnmayer. It costs us about $5 million a year. Yes, UO had to borrow money to build his PK park, using future TV revenue as collateral. What a stupid waste. Ask…
5/17/2012: This was Lariviere’s first mistake. Jim Bean as chair – Bellotti, Grier, Martinez! A few months later Jim Bean had managed to move from interim to permanent provost without any search or campus discussion. With Bean’s advice Lariviere kept on Grier and Dyke, and then he hired people like…
5/17/2012: From Jack Bogdanski: There ought to be a law that no press releases can be written by government flacks until government is current in filling public records requests. This would put quite a crimp in the output of the Duck’s press office.
5/17/2012: For better or worse, we’ll have one soon. What should her top 5 priorities be?
5/17/2012: That’s the explanation the SacBee gives for the lucrative UO trade in CA students. Complete with Roger Thompson quote. Not a popular argument with the UO central administration, which loves spending that out-of-state tuition money on sports and on their own junkets to bowl games (link fixed) – and…
I mistakenly deleted all comments to UO Matters from 5/12 or so til now. I’m very sorry, there were some good ones too! I tried to recover them, but can’t. I really appreciate comments and the discussions that often develop. They make the blog much more interesting and I hope…
5/15/2012: The IRS makes non-profits submit “990” forms annually, to show what public good they’ve been doing with that money they are not paying taxes on. The OSU Foundation turned in theirs 6 months ago. CEO J. Michael Goodwin pulled down $414,792 in total compensation. The top 5 employees take…
5/14/2012: The average debt for a student graduating with a bachelor’s is about the same as the loan for a new car, and the average return is considerable larger. A lot of graduates have to get an installment loan online to help them pay back what they owe, but it’s…
5/14/2012: Voting for UO Senate etc. closes tomorrow TODAY, log onto duckweb to vote. Oh yeah, state ballots too.
5/14/2012: From Mary Carmichael in the Boston Globe: A growing number of colleges seem to share his faith in the value of outsider presidents, PhD or no PhD. Twenty percent of college presidents in the United States now come from fields outside academia, a sharp increase from 13 percent just…
5/14/2012: I thought the appointment for career NTTF Poli-Sci professor Ken DeBevoise had been resolved 18 months ago. But apparently not. Ken has some extraordinarily high achieving and devoted students, check the Keep Ken Coalition page here.
5/13/2012: The latest from UO’s “Twin Eden”, Gabon: From the Scottish Sun: Rich man, poor nation Poverty-stricken Gabon’s head of state Ali Bongo has asked a Glasgow recruitment agency to find him a live-in manservant for the mansion he shares with his wife. …PRESIDENT Ali Bongo is among the world’s…
5/14/2012: From Insidehighered.com on UT student support for president’s plan for tuition increases. The Chronicle suggest he may be fired by the board of regents. UO’s proposed increases are on this OUS docket, which presumably passed: In comparison to UO, the UT President apparently has a careful plan to use…
5/11/2012: As reported by April Baer, of OPB. League of Oregon Cities lobbyist Scott Winkels says agencies can’t afford transparency – for documents that might embarrass administrators and politicians. But many of the same agencies have plenty of state money for PR flacks that write fluff to make their top…