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UO Matters

Free parking for emeriti!

5/3/2012: Lorraine Davis has caved on her quixotic quest to have it called “subsidized parking”. Yup, better not to open that can of athletic worms. So the Emeritus Policy is now in effect and in the UO policy library, here. Key point: you must have been a full professor for…

Union lacks transparency

5/2/2012: Wondering who is on the union organizing committee? The by-laws committee? Want to get involved yourself, maybe show up at a meeting to find out what the next steps are? Too bad. None of this info is on the union’s website or facebook page. Not even the time and…

Pope beatifies economist

5/1/2012: He’s apparently the first – Giuseppe Toniolo. And, big surprise, the comments in the National Catholic Reporter story out him as a proto-fascist. From an old joke: In the beginning, when God and the Devil were creating the Universe, God would create something good, and the Devil would retort…

Athletic giving decreases giving to academics. Athletic success does not increase enrollment

5/6/2012: Also see the links, quotes, and discussion on this UC-Berkeley page: “Sacred cows such as intercollegiate athletics continue to graze on the core academic programs of the institution.” – – Former President of University of Michigan James J. Duderstadt, The Future of the Public University in America. “More than…

More on UO Title IX case

4/29/2012: From Diane Dietz in the RG: The University of Oregon is asking an appeals court to dismiss a doctoral student’s claim of discrimination and retaliation — and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum is asking to enter the case on the university’s side. … My understanding of this case…

Faculty union CBA

4/27/2012 with updates: Like it or not, most UO faculty are now in a union. This union will need to negotiate a Collective Bargaining Agreement with our administrative overlords UO/OUS management and put it to a vote. The comments are open for suggested CBA clauses. No non-CBA comments on this…

PERS double dipping

4/28/2012: Ted Sickinger of the Oregonian continues his PERS investigations, with a story on double dipping. Lorraine Davis gets a shout-out, but no mention of her family football plan. Word is that Lorraine is furious about me exposing that deal – but not embarrassed enough to give back the money.…