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UO Matters


My god: Three lives. Universities need to spend money on counseling for their students, not police. Sell those new police interceptors and start hiring on Monday.

There goes the reserve

9/29/2010: Utterly unsurprising news in the RG today. The arena is not going to bring in the revenue Frohnmayer promised when he was selling the bonds to the legislature. And Chip Kelly needs another big raise to keep him on board. So the ticket money will go to Kelly, and…

NRC Graduate Rankings

9/28/2010: The NRC graduate rankings are out, has a spiffy interactive tool, probably only accessible from campus. Many UO programs do very well – even without adjusting for shitty faculty pay and the fact that UO research support is 63% of average. The new quantitative methodology adopted by NRC…

President, Governor on student spas and administrative bloat

9/28/2010: President Obama that is: In a conference call with student journalists on Monday, President Obama renewed his calls for reining in college costs, saying that every institution should provide a chart showing how each tuition dollar is spent. He also questioned the need for expensive amenities. “You’re not going…

No guns yet

9/28/2010: In several recent posts I’ve said or implied that the Dyke-Tripp proposal is to create an armed UO police force. This is wrong, and an informed reader clarifies:  … the proposal on the table is to have the DPS officers elevated to the status of police officers WITHOUT arming…

Facebook Riots

9/27/2010: Mat Wolf of the ODE has a story on Friday’s riot. Remember all those stories about how computers and texting make our students withdraw from reality? Never mind – turns out somebody organized a party with facebook and it got out of control, the cops were called, and now…


9/26/2010: I’m no Sanskrit scholar, though I learned some interesting things from this video of President Lariviere explaining the history and logic of the language – to 9th graders. I particularly like the bit on the power of words, and the ancient efforts to understand the mystery of their power.


9/26/2010: I’m hoping that the Friday night freshman riots don’t turn into a regular event. I also hope that  DPS does not attempt to use them as a reason for yet another big budget increase. 110% in 6 years, while crime rates are decreasing, should be enough. So long as…

Dream Act

9/23/2010: The “Dream Act” would have given people who were brought into the country illegally as minors by their parents a road to citizenship. Anne Saker of the Oregonian gives one example: Lopez was 6 weeks old in 1990 when his parents came into the country illegally and settled in…

Bread to Circuses

9/22/2010: John Hunt has an Oregonian story on the latest in Ducks basketball troubles. They are expected to fall below NCAA academic standards in Spring, and then have their allowable practice time and scholarship support cut – unless the NCAA gives the new coach a break. A commenter points out…