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UO Matters

Tax deductions for Jock Box?

8/14/2010: German rich guy questions the logic. From Der Spiegel: Peter Krämer, a Hamburg-based shipping magnate and multimillionaire, has emerged as one of the strongest critics of the “Giving Pledge.” Krämer, who donated millions of euros in 2005 to “Schools for Africa,” a program operated by UNICEF, explained his opposition…

Frohnmayer retires for real

8/12/2010: When John Moseley and Lorraine Davis retired, then President Dave Frohnmayer wrote them extraordinary golden parachute contracts to take advantage of the PERS system. UO paid them half time for 5 years – Moseley for running UO-Bend from his Deschutes fishing lodge, and Davis doing the odd administrative job,…

Every now and then

8/11/2010: there is a sign that UO is moving towards being a normal public institution acting more or less for the public good, with decisions made in the open, on the basis of rules and some sense of shared purpose and central direction. But then I’m always an optimist.

Tublitz on Jock Box

8/9/2010: The Chronicle and several other papers quote Senate Pres Nathan Tublitz on the Jock Box: Cost of U. of Oregon’s New Center for Athletes Draws New Debate Over Priorities The $41.7-million cost of the University of Oregon’s new academic center for athletes prices out to more than $1,000 per…

UO runs out of dorm rooms

8/8/2010: From Greg Bolt in the RG. If I understand it right more students than expected are coming and fewer than expected are dropping their dorm room contracts. Seems like housing is handling it much better than in 2008, when they shuffled the overflow across the river. This time they…

unusual bias case

8/5/2010: From With backing from the New York State Human Rights Division, Csaba Marosan is suing Trocaire College, saying that the Roman Catholic institution discriminated against him because of his accent (he’s from Hungary) and because he is straight, ABC News reported. The state agency investigated his complaint and…

NY version of UO plan fails

8/5/2010: From Eric Kelderman in the Chronicle: One year into her tenure as chancellor of the State University of New York, the State Legislature handed Nancy L. Zimpher her first major political defeat, rejecting a package of regulatory changes meant to allow public universities to earn more money outside of…