9/4/2010: Brent Hunsberger of the Oregonian has a very interesting story about how “Higher One Inc.” partners with LCC, PSU, and SOU to issue students debit cards linked to their university financial aid and tuition payments. And then nails the students with a complex myriad of well-hidden fees. Many students…
UO Matters
9/3/2010: Eugene will likely use federal stimulus money to remodel 13th between Alder and Kincaid, hope they do it soon. Alan Pittman doesn’t like it, but to me this looks like a nice improvement to the rundown street that is UO’s real entrance, for everyone except the jocks that get…
9/2/2010: This is so not my area of expertise, but it looks like Ducks basketball team has completely imploded. Last month they canceled an exhibition tour of Italy, unable to field a complete team. Now the last of Ernie Kent’s recruits may be bailing for Israel. Rumor has it that…
9/2/2010: The “Keep Ken” coalition webpage is reporting that the UO administration has nixed the efforts of Poli Sci head Lars Skalnes to fire instructor Ken DeBevoise. Instead he will be offered a permanent contract. Priscilla Southwell has taken over has Dept. Head. I think it’s progress for the UO…
8/31/2010: (Updated with new budget info and below with sombrero photo and details.) A commenter asks about the move to convert the current DPS into an armed campus police force. Greg Bolt’s RG story is here. Here are the budget numbers for DPS for 2005-11. (Ignore the parking numbers, those…
8/30/2010: for state union employees begins Wednesday. Update: We’ve been told that this increase will only go to those employees not already at the highest step, and that it will barely compensate for the mandatory furlough pay cut, even for those who do get it.
8/28/2010: The Oregon Quarterly magazine has two interesting articles on the “New Partnership” plan, one by Pres Lariviere, one by Oregonian reporter and Tom McCall biographer Brent Walth.Lariviere’s article lays out the plan: A state funding commitment of about $63 million per year, less than the $64.9 million amount allocated…
8/27/2010: I’m no law professor, but I hear this will lead to more openness on public records. Something to do with the economic incentives it creates. Not that I’m an economist. Ironically, the losing side of the case was argued by Melinda Grier’s husband Jerome Lidz, who was Oregon Solicitor…
8/27/2010: How often does Lane Community College get featured in an NYT story? Interesting in many ways. “When we first started two decades ago we were focused on community and residential energy efficiency,” Mr. Ebbage said. “Now we are preparing people to go into the commercial sector anywhere in the…
8/26/2011: more coming Pernsteiner contracts, expenses and more expenses, resume Kenton contracts, expenses, resume
8/27/2010: By Ben Jacklet in Oregon Business: … George Fox fielded a football team from 1894 to 1968 but dropped it when the team could no longer compete. Bringing back football after a 42-year absence is a point of pride to University President Robin Baker, and a smart business decision.…
8/26/2010: Pres Lariviere has a new blog post on his UO restructuring plan: The Oregon University System (OUS) has adopted aspects of our proposal, including a plan to seek legislative authority for the creation of campus-level governing boards that would guide individual universities’ operations. Now comes a critical next phase…
8/25/2010: UO Professor Matt Dennis has a good RG Op-Ed about the “mosque” at ground-zero. Putting his name to a piece like this takes a little more courage than talking to the usual campus crowd. It’s also the most important part of the job of being a history professor: Most…
8/25/2010: From Carla River in the LA Times. The Oregon DOJ has recently ruled that the UO Foundation is similarly exempt. Searching through the UO Foundation’s reports to the IRS, you come across tidbits like that below. And people think PERS is a benefits scam. This is from 2005, salaries…
8/24/2010: You can read the Oregonian’s story on the Kitzhaber girlfriend investigation. Or you can read this one on the blog Jack Bogdanski runs as a hobby. Jack’s has smarter comments too.