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UO Matters

UO Fall Term Planning–Concerns about the Safety of In-Person and On-Campus Instruction

A letter to campus from one of our our Italian correspondents. Page down for her op-ed in today’s Oregonian: From: Melissa Graboyes <[email protected]> Subject: UO Fall Term Planning–Concerns about the Safety of In-Person and On-Campus Instruction Date: May 6, 2020 at 6:54:09 AM PDT To: Andre Le Duc <[email protected]> Cc:…

Senate’s Academic Council updates rules for teaching w/ closed campus

ACADEMIC COUNCIL: UPDATED ACADEMIC CONTINUITY EXPECTATIONS The Academic Council met 4-22-20 to discuss academic continuity planning for the duration of the COVID-19 disruption. The Academic Continuity Plan approved by the Academic Council on March 4, 2020 ( remains in effect until the academic disruption is declared over by the Academic…

Another carefully scripted town hall to promote illusion of shared governance

From Around the 0, of course: University of Oregon students, faculty members and staff are invited to attend a virtual town hall meeting at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, May 7, to discuss planning for in-person, on campus instruction for fall term. President Michael H. Schill announced the intent for fall term, including…

Updated with coaches’ gift to Uncle Phil: Rob Mullens lays off janitors, groundskeepers to pay greedy Duck coaches

4/30/2020 update: A few hours after this post, the Duck’s strategic communicators responded: In light of the ongoing challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, all University of Oregon head coaches have voluntarily agreed to take a 10 percent salary reduction for the 2020-21 academic year … Additionally, all UO head…

Ducks light up The Phildo in green to mark the spot where they buried that $2M in academic funds

I’m no physician, but I hear this can be treated with penicillin: Thanks to an alert reader for forwarding the link to the reddit discussion. UO’s website claims “Funding: Fully funded by gifts from Penny and Phil Knight and more than 50 other donors”. That is not entirely true: On…

Pres Schill: Looking ahead to fall term on campus

Some extracts from President Schill’s plans to address the financial fallout from the coronavirus. Everything in ” ” is a direct quote from his email to the university today. The translations are from google translate’s new “no bullshit” mode:

Pres Schill: “For a variety of reasons (low state support, high-cost mandatory benefits programs, and a recent drop in international enrollment) our reserves are lower than other peer institutions across the country.”

Translation: Our reserves are low because of other people’s decisions, not because I spent $2.15M wiring up The Phildo or $?M building our new Athletic Village.

Pres Schill: “We also do not think we can look to tuition increases to address major shortfalls the way we did following the last recession. Our nonresident students already pay market tuition, and the incomes of Oregon residents make paying more in tuition very difficult, particularly in a period of mass unemployment.”

Translation: We can’t increase tuition because we just started a very poorly timed tuition guarantee program which means 9% increases for freshmen and locks in low increases for current continuing students. We were told we’d need a substantial reserve to implement this, but we went ahead anyway.

Pres Schill: “A third revenue source would be our endowment, but those accounts are almost all restricted and their value has fallen as a result of the stock market decline.”

Translation: We can’t use our endowment because those are restricted funds, and we only break gift agreements when the money comes from a professor giving it to the academic bucket. Athletic donations are sacred, particularly the $12M Jumbotron.

Pres Schill:  “A fourth option would be to cut personnel costs, since almost 80 percent of our Education and General (E&G) budget is composed of salaries and benefits. This would be quite difficult since we operate at staffing ratios that are much lower than our peer schools and most salaries are set by collective bargaining agreements. … Last week Provost Phillips and Vice President Jamie Moffitt circulated a proposal for a progressive pay reduction (PPR) program that I realize may have surprised some of you.”

Translation: I threw Provost Banavar under the bus for last year’s budget crisis cuts. This time it’s worse, so I’m going to throw a Provost *and* a VP.

Pres Schill: “The reality is that we will need to do something to adjust expenses if enrollment declines significantly and/or we receive state budget cuts. Again, we are open to suggestions and collaborative approaches designed to solve the problem.”

Translation: Your opinions are not worth a damn thing, and whatever we do it will come from the secret meetings I’m now having with my Financial Continuity Team, just as the pay cut plan did.

Full letter below:

Dear University of Oregon community,

The COVID-19 crisis strikes at the heart of the University of Oregon’s mission. As a great residential university, we are grounded in the foundational notion that, by bringing people together in this amazing and special campus setting, we provide a world-class, transformative educational experience. That education takes place in our classrooms, labs, libraries, and studios. But it also takes place in serendipitous encounters in dining facilities, on our beautiful lawns, in our residence halls, and at our sporting events. In these various, unique settings our students learn what it means to be human in a society full of diverse people and perspectives. As we turn our attention to the fall and our long-term future we must always keep this mission in mind.

Faculty Union sends update on wage freeze / Career contract renewals

Dear Colleague,

Collective bargaining has been suspended since March 11. With so much uncertainty about the state of the university and the academy, neither party felt comfortable resuming bargaining. Over the last week, United Academics and the administration have been working  on a deal that would end this round of bargaining uncompleted. We have not yet agreed to a deal, but we wanted to inform you that we are in negotiations. The intent is to reach a deal quickly before the administration carries out their plan to renew Career faculty at just 0.1 FTE. The deadline for renewal notification has been extended to May 8. All members of United Academics will have the opportunity to vote on any deal.

Executive Summary: If we can reach agreement, there would be no across-the-board or merit raise this year, but promotion and post-tenure review raises would still be in effect. The administration would renew almost all non-funding-contingent Career faculty who were above 0.5 FTE this academic year with a contract of at least 0.5 FTE and health insurance benefits for the AY 20-21 academic year. Almost all Career faculty who had appointments below 0.5 FTE would be renewed below 0.5 FTE. Bargaining would start over in January.

Your University needs you

If you’re faculty, you can join the UAUO Faculty Union online here. You’ll be able to vote on the upcoming contract extension, etc. Dues are 1.1% of salary, because tanstaafl. If you’re faculty, staff, an OA, or even an executive administrator, you can vote in the Senate elections. The deadline…