Posted with the permission of Professor Ryan: U of O Matters has detailed the deceptive practices of the Barran Liebman law firm in its defense of the administration against Jennifer Freyd’s discrimination suit. This is all the more reason to be alarmed about the administration’s use of Barran Liebman…
UO Matters
The meeting, 3PM in 253 Straub, is open to the public under the ACP policy passed last year. Meanwhile the UO administration is developing its plans to hire faculty scabs, and faculty union Pres Chris Sinclair has issued guidance on how to avoid this fate. Remember, the best outcome for…
This may be the most interesting complaint since the “Bowl of Dicks“. From Recap here. So far our GCO doesn’t seem very worried about this $250M lawsuit – they haven’t even hired an attorney.
Dear Colleagues, The rains have begun, and midterm grading is lurking around the corner… but let the Faculty Club be your refuge from all storms! Here are some ways that the Faculty Club can help you: · Build camaraderie for your department, program or group by organizing an evening at…
10/18/2019 update from the GTFF:
Over the last three days, over 85% of the membership has cast ballots in our strike authorization vote, and 1,044 grad employees—over 95% of voters—said Yes! We’re standing firm: no cuts to health care and a fair contract NOW!
I still think President Schill will come to his senses on this, but if not the strike will presumably start Nov. 4th.
Update: Deans asking undergrads and faculty to scab on grad students
The former would be CAS divisional Dean Hal Sadofsky, asking faculty to help find undergrads to do the work of GEs. The link for sign-ups has now been taken down or moved. The latter would be SOMD Dean Sabrina Madison-Cannon:
I am asking Area Heads for the following information:
- Please identify faculty in your area (including yourself) who do not have a full workload for fall term.
- Please identify faculty in your area (including yourself) who are willing to volunteer their services during a strike even if they have a full workload.
UAUO Pres Chris Sinclair has the following advice for faculty on how to avoid becoming a scab:
Full pdf here.
10/17/2019: What should faculty do if our GE’s strike?
The GTFF and the Administration proposals are very close, and the administration can avoid a strike simply by agreeing to cover most of any increases in health care costs for years 2 and 3 of the contract. That’s pretty much it. This is the same deal SEIU just got – for PEBB, which is a much more expensive insurance plan.
On the off chance they don’t, UAUO Pres Chris Sinclair gives this advice to faculty on their obligations during the ensuing strike:
“We’re coming for you,” he said. “We’re coming to help these young athletes in the future, and the athletes of today, make sure that they don’t have to sacrifice their time and sacrifice, in many cases, their bodies without being fairly compensated.”
Our GE’s are voting this week on authorizing a strike, probably starting week 6. Presumably other deans are also planning on how to maintain undergraduate educative production – or at least pretend they are maintaining it – should the UO administration continue its quixotic effort to cut graduate students’ health…
He was a speed-skater, a professor of english, a judge, a professor of law, a friend of this blog, and, in a word, a mensch. His daughter Rebecca writes that he sustained a fall on his bike that caused the injuries that killed him. The family’s obituary will be forthcoming.…
Some economist, quoted by reporter Tom Manse on OPB here.
No word on what sort of funding increases for CAS Blonigen was able to extract during the negotiations – but presumably they are nowhere near as as large as an external candidate would have demanded: The following message is being sent on behalf of Provost and Senior Vice President Patrick…
There’s the mandatory puffery about the vital roles of President Schill and VP Alex-Assensoh (both on the job market) and VP Marbury, but author Jim Murez does that cleverly and tells much, much more. Respect. It’s hard to find his text on Around the O’s graphic laden website, the direct…
Update: No quid pro quo, move it along people. New France 24 report here, with quotes from what appears to be a confidential court transcript: Asked what role Nike played, Coe [employed by Nike] said: “I don’t know. Very little, I would say.” More Coe from the transcript: He said…
SENATE MEETING AGENDA – OCTOBER 9, 2019 Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Livestream. 3:00 P.M. Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Elizabeth Skowron 3:15 P.M. Approval of the Minutes November 14, 2018, November 28, 2018 & June 5, 2019 3:15 P.M. State of…
Around the O’s flacks have the press release here. This is not a surprise. Pres Schill has been giving Heroy all the work, and VP for Diversity Alex-Assensoh all the money: Pres Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance: VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club opens its doors for the fall term again this week. We’ll be following the same format as before—a happy hour with complimentary hors-d’oeuvres and a reasonably-priced cash bar, open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please come out and join us either…