This is a fairly important job. Last year it paid $245,784, or about half a provost. I have no idea why Provost Phillips hasn’t posted the cv’s or application letters for his two finalists, or why this is buried on his website, or why the faculty haven’t been notified of…
UO Matters
10/7/2019 update: That’s the rumor from a generally well-informed source. Meanwhile Muenzer and Alex-Assensoh are still short three thought partners. Maybe they should try sharing more of their money? Just a thought. 9/11/2019: Search committees, meet your mandatory new admin “thought partners”: Budget crisis? Not in our bloated Provost’s office,…
This will not be good for UO’s law school, which has survived on the basis of the ABA’s cartel on licensing lawyers, and subsidies from undergraduate tuition. The ABA Journal has the report here. One proposal is for the Oregon Bar to license legal paraprofessionals to do work now restricted…
President Schill badly needs a few JH insiders who will tell him when he’s being stupid. But he’s fired them all. So now it’s up to the unions: It’s Not About the Massages The UO Administration has been spreading the rumor around campus that the GTFF is about to go…
From the Duck’s job ad for a new Director of Sports Science: Department Summary The University of Oregon Intercollegiate Athletic Department’s primary purpose is to provide a unique opportunity for student-athletes to be developed, tested, and encouraged to reach their maximum potential in every aspect of their lives. Required: “A…
That would, of course, be the OSU board, which emails regular public notices of its meetings to a public listserv. Here at UO, BOT Secretary Angela Wilhelms provides no such transparency. Public Meetings Notice October 7, 2019 The Oregon State University Board of Trustees will hold a retreat on Wednesday,…
From the NC NewsObserver here. They got the records through a public records request. I wonder how much Kevin Reed would charge for a similar request to UO. It seems like, despite his well-paid advisors, Schill simply got outmaneuvered: Ramogi Huma, executive director of the National Collegiate Players Association, said Schill’s…
10/5/2019 update: Ducks play UCLA this evening, so maybe Rob Mullens will finally collect the $20K he gave Chip a free pass on back in 2013: 10/30/2018 update: I’ve always had a soft spot for Kelly, because he had the sense of humor to hide his $25K payoff to Willie…
This is good news – so good that I’ll forgive Around the O for this puff piece, which omits any mention of costs: The University of Oregon’s entering class for fall 2019 is the most diverse and academically prepared in the history of the university, and there are a record…
Raghu Parthasarathy, physics professor (and blogger at passes on this post from Around the O, and asks me if I know what this is costing, who is paying, and why: Ferris wheel will take a spin around campus on Oct. 4 A Ferris wheel will greet Ducks as they…
My quick read is that this still amounts to real cuts in wages (for many if not most GEs) and in health benefits (for all GE’s): Dear Faculty Colleagues, Just a note to share with you the university’s latest offer in negotiations with GTFF. I’m forwarding a copy of an…
The Eugene Weekly report by Bob Keefer asks the question, here. Keep in mind Reed’s past claims that even coaches are faculty, at least for the purposes of hiding their employment records from the public.
Starting year 5, it’s time for Pres Schill to get ready for the job market by changing buzzwords. Five successes to one excellence, a new high in administrative communications: Dear campus community members, I am delighted to welcome all of you—students, faculty, and staff—to fall term at the University of…
I can only speculate as to the offenses which must have inspired this comprehensive code of expectations, but rumor has it they include OSU alumni wearing orange and black ties, and SEIU staff wearing purple: Thanks to an anonymous reader for the entry. This month’s competition closes on Halloween.
10/2/2019: Anna Matson has the story in the Emerald here. If you can see an increase that justifies President Schill’s decision to exempt the UOPD from the budget crisis cuts you’re a more creative econometrician than I am: 4/15/2019: Some data on west of campus crime trends, relevant to budget…