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UO Matters

Senator Dembrow promises to revisit Univ Trustee appointment procedures in wake of Hornecker appointment

9/18/2019 update:  UO Board Secretary Angela Wilhelms has still not responded to my public records request for her documents involving this latest in a long line of trustee appointments made in back-room deals, without campus input. On Friday UAUO President Chris Sinclair, UO Senate Immediate Past President Bill Harbaugh (me),…

Why didn’t Kevin Reed tell the feds about UCLA’s admissions scandal?

The LA Times has the story here. It took place while current UO General Counsel Kevin Reed was chief lawyer at UCLA, and it was a precursor to the “Varsity Blues” investigation that’s just led to jail time for some actress. Reporter Nathan Fenno: Five years before William “Rick” Singer became known…

Pres Schill worried about Trustees’ lack of due diligence at tuition increase meeting

At least I assume that’s what he’s complaining about. From the RG here: “I’m committed to working with our graduate students, with our classified staff, and faculty,” Schill said. “I do worry as we move forward in these contract negotiations about the type of behavior we saw at our last…