Jeff Manning has the story in the Oregonian here. No word if the UO Foundation’s Paul Weinhold will be there too, to reiterate his promise to use the UO Foundation’s endowment money to guarantee this sporting event. A few snippets: It appears that Brown is getting into the spirit even…
UO Matters
That’s the rumor, now confirmed. Impasse begins the ~30 day cooling-off period before they can strike. From what I can tell the administration’s intransigence on this is driven by a paternalistic belief that they know what’s best for the grad students – less health care – and a refusal to…
Seems a bit late. I wonder what genius thought this up in the first place. Our administration had been trying to increase the cost food-service workers pay for a meal during their shift from $1 to $3. In the face of a strike Monday they’ve now given up that bit…
Dear Readers – After a little work, Ozy and I have successfully recovered the past 14 years of comments. A few recent posts and comments are still missing, sorry. For the curious, here’s the latest data on UO Matters traffic. The recent increase may be a leading indicator of the…
9/18/2019 update: UO Board Secretary Angela Wilhelms has still not responded to my public records request for her documents involving this latest in a long line of trustee appointments made in back-room deals, without campus input. On Friday UAUO President Chris Sinclair, UO Senate Immediate Past President Bill Harbaugh (me),…
Update: As a regular reader points out, even after these “concessions” the offer still amounts to a real pay cut for many staff: 9/15/2019: That’s the rumor from a usually reliable source. I guess the bucket wasn’t empty after all. SEIU’s system-wide strike vote is tomorrow. Meanwhile the UO’s administration’s…
The LA Times has the story here. It took place while current UO General Counsel Kevin Reed was chief lawyer at UCLA, and it was a precursor to the “Varsity Blues” investigation that’s just led to jail time for some actress. Reporter Nathan Fenno: Five years before William “Rick” Singer became known…
I have no idea. The BOT’s webpage says nothing about a vacancy. The August 26 generic press release from Governor Brown is here. The list of appointments is here, and includes this: The Senate Rules committee is supposed to vote on these next week, but their webpage has nothing yet.…
Here. More on Lananna here.
I can hear the champagne corks popping in Johnson Hall. Jennifer McCall tried hard to improve the state’s transparency problems and had some success. Apparently a little too much success. From Nigel Jaquiss in WWeek: … In a separate letter to Brown, McCall was more forthcoming about the reason for…
At least I assume that’s what he’s complaining about. From the RG here: “I’m committed to working with our graduate students, with our classified staff, and faculty,” Schill said. “I do worry as we move forward in these contract negotiations about the type of behavior we saw at our last…
Trump’s PR flacks warn administrators not to contradict him about the Alabama Hurricane forecast: Schill’s PR flacks warn administrators not to contradict him about the LERC and Museum budget cuts:
A new PNAS paper concludes: … Comparing passive lectures with active learning using a randomized experimental approach and identical course materials, we find that students in the active classroom learn more, but they feel like they learn less. We show that this negative correlation is caused in part by the…
Budget crisis? That’s just for the academic side. The heavily subsidized Duck athletic program is paying Nevada $650K. From the USAToday database here.
From reporter Michael Tobin in the Emerald, here: … In addition to being out of compliance with federal rules, the audit also found that some of the department’s firearms lack acquisition records. Of the 121 firearms UOPD acquired since 2012, 18 did not have records documenting their acquisition. Of the 18…