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UO Matters

UO closes controversial Confucius Institute, after DoD pressure

4/30/2019 update: Now official, according to reporter Michael Tobin, in UO’s newspaper of record, here. Meanwhile the UO’s Twin Eden’s partnership with Gabon continues under the leadership of former Ambassador Eric Benjaminson – at least according to the official UO PR website here. 4/22/2019: Or at least that’s what the University…

HECC steps in for failed university boards on capital construction

The latest evidence of the failed promise of Oregon’s independent boards: HECC Embarks on First-Ever 10-Year Strategic Capital Development Plan for Public Universities To learn more about the project and university stakeholder meetings, see Salem, OR – The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) has embarked upon an in-depth process…

Thinking about CAS

Since the CAS Dean’s blog does not allow comments, I’m reposting it here. I will note that, unlike the other Deans, Bruce Blonigen and the CAS leadership regularly meet with the CAS Senators in the “CAS Caucus”: CAS Leadership Update Continuing our approach to sharing the top items that CAS…

Senate to meet Wed 4/24 to discuss and vote on academic matters

DRAFT. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. All times are estimates. 3:00 P.M.   Call to order University update; Provost Banavar Introductory Remarks; Senate Pres Harbaugh Senate committee review report; Senate VP Skowron 3:30 PM   Approval of Minutes February 13, 2019 and April 10, 2019 3:31…

UO not very transparent about Pres Schill’s budget cut proposal

RG reporter Jordyn Brown has the story here: …  Additionally, UO refused requests for interviews with representatives of the Oregon Bach Festival, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History and the Labor Education and Research Center about the budget cuts. … This is what we…