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UO Matters

Professor Parthasarathy posts Provost platform: 45% and he’ll bike in

From Raghu’s always informative Eighteenth Elephant blog. Read it all, this is just a snippet: Our Provost at the University of Oregon has stepped down, and there’s a call for nominations for a new one. The search will be internal, i.e. the next provost will be a UO faculty member. Bill Harbaugh…

Senate to meet today

DRAFT Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. All times are estimates. 3:00 P.M.   Call to order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Bill Harbaugh 3:10 PM   Approval of Minutes February 13, 2019 and April 24, 2019 3:11 PM     Business / Reports: Update: Knight Campus and Bioengineering program;…

Duck AD Rob Mullens wants to spend $12M on big-ass speakers & video

While President Schill is cutting $9M from the academic budget, and about to propose 10% plus tuition increases. You can’t make this shit up. From reporter James Crepea at the Oregonian: “(The speakers) did not pop,” Oregon athletic director Rob Mullens said. “What happened was there was a technical difficulty…

Judge McShane dismisses Professor Freyd’s pay discrimination lawsuit

5/3/2019 update: The EW’s Camilla Mortenson has a brief report on the case here. The full opinion is at The full docket is here.

4/11/2019 update. Arguments about to start. More later.

4/8/2019 update: UO’s attempts to dismiss Freyd lawsuit include redefining “Professor”

Full disclosure: I am not a lawyer.

Duck AD Rob Mullens looking to leave too

5/2/2019 update:

The Oregonian’s James Crepea has the scoop here:

Oregon athletic director Rob Mullens is a candidate for the recently vacated position at Texas A&M, according to a source with knowledge of the search. …

Which is sort of odd, because when he got his last raise he said he wanted to stay in Eugene and raise his family here.

7/7/2017: Rob Mullens’ secret $10M 8-year porkalicious contract & perverse incentives

Adriene Lim is a finalist at Nebraska, Juan-Carlos Molleda at BU

5/1/2019 update: Thanks to a reader for the tip on Lim. The rumor on Molleda leaving is now widespread, apparently he’s their favorite or close to it. Both are, from what I hear, widely respected for how they have handled some tough times at SOJC and the Libraries. I…