If you’re not familiar with Sci-Hub, here’s an NYT op-ed, and here are the current links for access: The latest Sci-Hub working domain (Last check time:2019-03-09 01:13:01) https://t.co/l56oRcWh5G https://t.co/UCVodIO6t2 https://t.co/WNgTBhg2Al https://t.co/1gTL962bgS Retweet to your friends,help us become stronger! pic.twitter.com/ztztiI7F1C — lovescihub (@scihub_love) March 8, 2019
UO Matters
As President Schill considers where to cut, one obvious place is the UOPD budget. While UO has its problems, a crime wave is not one of them. The most easily accessible data I can find is here, and it shows a continuing decline in violent crime, and no increase in…
That would be former President Dave Frohnmayer, in April 2009. The previous year Frohnmayer had negotiated a $150K raise for himself, and at the time of this public meeting he was negotiating a golden parachute retirement contract that included a paid sabbatical which he used to restart his legal career…
Pres Schill’s email sent 12:42 PM 3/5/2019 Dear University of Oregon campus community: Over the last few months, we have communicated with a wide variety of campus stakeholders to let them know that the University of Oregon is going into a difficult budget cycle. Vice President for Finance and Administration…
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 – 10:00 A.M.: CONVENE PUBLIC MEETING – Call to order, roll call, verification of quorum – Approval of December 2018 minutes (Action) Meeting materials here. – Public comment Community Member David Igl asks why there are still no interpretative materials posted at Deady Hall, and provides his usual…
3/5/2019 update: As Milton Friedman often said, it sure is easy for Rob Mullens to spend the University of Oregon’s money. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a contract that pays an employee 70% of a year’s salary if they voluntarily quit. WTF? Reporter Gabriel Ornelas has the story in…
UO’s federal accreditors, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, requires that every university board “regularly evaluates its performance to ensure its duties and responsibilities are fulfilled in an effective and efficient manner.” When I requested copies of these evaluations for our Board, I imagined I’d get some sort of…
From InsideHigherEd, here. UO uses a “holistic admissions” policy which includes race/ethnicity as a factor. It’s a bit surprising to see how little support this has outside academia: Here’s what people think should matter: And I was surprised to learn that our use of race/ethnicity is unusual. According to a…
Board of Trustees | Finance and Facilities Committee Public Meeting | March 4, 2019 @ 1:30 p.m. Erb Memorial Union | Redwood Auditorium Convene – Call to order, roll call – Approval of December 2018 FFC minutes (Action) Meeting materials here. 1. Quarterly Financial Reports: Jamie Moffitt, Vice President for Finance…
The Trustees have moved their meetings from the Ford Alumni Center to the EMU Redwood room. Board Chair Chuck Lillis is absent, caught in a Denver snow storm. Board of Trustees | Academic and Student Affairs Committee Public Meeting | March 4, 2019 @ 10:00 a.m. Erb Memorial Union |…
Back in 2013, under pressure from Phil Knight and other Duck boosters, the Oregon Legislature passed SB270, which allowed UO to set its own independent board. The hope was that, free from the shackles of state bureaucracy and control, and with a board of wealthy and politically well connected trustees,…
Wherever he ends up, he will presumably take some of UO’s best administrators with him. Our loss, their gain. At https://www.boisestate.edu/presidentialsearch/
takes a break from tearing the stuffing out of a leftover prop from Apple’s OS X 10.5 “Leopard” release.
Alex Zielinski has the report here.
The Chronicle has the story here: … The system, which announced the decision on Thursday, had sought one contract that would cover the cost of subscriptions to Elsevier’s trove of journals in addition to the processing fees that make all UC research published in Elsevier journals freely available to all.…