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UO Matters

Sci-Hub links for free access to research papers

If you’re not familiar with Sci-Hub, here’s an NYT op-ed, and here are the current links for access: The latest Sci-Hub working domain (Last check time:2019-03-09 01:13:01) Retweet to your friends,help us become stronger! — lovescihub (@scihub_love) March 8, 2019

UO crime wave?

As President Schill considers where to cut, one obvious place is the UOPD budget. While UO has its problems, a crime wave is not one of them. The most easily accessible data I can find is here, and it shows a continuing decline in violent crime, and no increase in…

Pres holds budget crisis Town Hall, asks faculty & OA’s to take pay cuts

That would be former President Dave Frohnmayer, in April 2009. The previous year Frohnmayer had negotiated a $150K raise for himself, and at the time of this public meeting he was negotiating a golden parachute retirement contract that  included a paid sabbatical which he used to restart his legal career…

Pres Schill on Addressing Budget Challenges – What should we cut?

Pres Schill’s email sent 12:42 PM 3/5/2019 Dear University of Oregon campus community: Over the last few months, we have communicated with a wide variety of campus stakeholders to let them know that the University of Oregon is going into a difficult budget cycle. Vice President for Finance and Administration…

UO Board thinks UO Board is doing well, but public comments are uncivilized

UO’s federal accreditors, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, requires that every university board “regularly evaluates its performance to ensure its duties and responsibilities are fulfilled in an effective and efficient manner.” When I requested copies of these evaluations for our Board, I imagined I’d get some sort of…

Majority of all racial/ethnic/political groups now oppose using race in admissions

From InsideHigherEd, here. UO uses a “holistic admissions” policy which includes race/ethnicity as a factor. It’s a bit surprising to see how little support this has outside academia: Here’s what people think should matter: And I was surprised to learn that our use of race/ethnicity is unusual. According to a…

Board of Trustees to perform due diligence theatre March 4-5, EMU Redwood

Back in 2013, under pressure from Phil Knight and other Duck boosters, the Oregon Legislature passed SB270, which allowed UO to set its own independent board. The hope was that, free from the shackles of state bureaucracy and control, and with a board of wealthy and politically well connected trustees,…