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Posts published by “uomatters”

Third AVP/TIXC candidate withdraws, feedback needed on #1 and #2

Subject: AVP/Title IX Coordinator Candidate #3 has Withdrawn All, Our third AVP/TIXC candidate scheduled for Thursday and Friday this week has withdrawn from the search. Please use the questionnaire on the president’s page ( to provide your feedback as soon as possible. Also, please forward this notification to others who may…

FSU Pres John Thrasher calls out Hunting Ground over Jameis Winston story

Jake New has the report in InsideHigherEd, here. Thrasher doesn’t come off as particularly credible: …The section of documentary about Florida State focuses on an assault allegedly committed by Jameis Winston, a former star player for the university’s football team. While Winston was not charged with a crime, the university and…

Sec of State releases public records audit: Agencies should delete more records

Update: Gordon Friedman reports in the SJ that Gov. Kate Brown will talk about the audit and her plans for transparency at 1:30 tomorrow in HR 3: Meanwhile Michael Kron’s DOJ public records task force is meeting from 1-3 in the Governor’s Conference Room: And Nick Budnick reports in the Oregonian…

Ducks to let regular UO students go upstairs at Jock Box

but just this Thursday at 1:00, for a meeting of the Senate’s Intercollegiate Athletics Committee: Word is that SSA Director Steve Stolp and his boss Lorraine Davis will address questions about the effectiveness of the Services for Student Athletes operation, which segregates Duck athletes from regular UO students while making the regular…

Schill: Obviously, if I get savaged, I might have some behavior modification

The Portland Tribune’ story on UO President Mike Schill’s comments regarding the Morlok / Stokes retaliation lawsuit against UO is here. Today they’ve posted more from their Nov 11 interview with Schill, here: FWIW, I hear the University of Nike domain name is for sale. More from the interview: PathwayOregon grants Schill says he hopes…

Judge Aiken issues order in Duck / Chip Kelly bonus insurance dispute

11/16/2015: Full docket here, full opinion here. I have no idea what it means, except that UO’s lawyers at Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick are going to get many more billable hours out of us before this ends: 2/17/2015: UO sues over Chip Kelly’s bonus insurance policy The bonuses Rob Mullens and Dana Altman…

Rob Illig’s summer sports law institute now advertising on UO Matters

No surprise the google algorithm matched us. I hear Illig’s program is doing OK. In contrast Law Dean Michael Moffitt’s Alternative Dispute Resolution program must have been hit hard by the recent NYT series exposing endemic corporate abuses of arbitration. Moffitt’s previous NYT exposure – the “business school case study” – ended pretty disastrously.…

14′ marble statute of nude Marcus Mariota to highlight Duck sports complex

That’s the rumor from the Arts and Administration profs down at the faculty club tonight: More from athletics spokesperson Craig Pintens, here: $30M for athletics, $17M for academics. After they roll out the rich corinthian leather, $30M is probably lowball: Meanwhile President Schill has just $17M for efforts to improve low SES student…

Firing professor for “incivility” costs chancellor her job, university $875K

11/13/2015: The Nation has the news that the University of Illinois has settled with Steven Salaita, here. 8/11/2015: Former university trustee asks tough questions about buyout payment Among those upset by the decision is former U. of I. board Chairman Christopher Kennedy, who approved Wise’s initial employment agreement. “I wouldn’t give…

CAS Deans and President Schill joined the #blacklivesmatter march

Mike Gottfredson hid in his office and made Robin Holmes come out and talk to the sexual assault protestors. Our new leadership has a bit more common sense: Subject: cas-heads: Solidarity Protest March Today Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Dear Colleagues, There will be a student-organized march today…

Johnson Hall double-booked for protests today, as Black male athlete grad rate drops to 17%. Tom Hart, Craig Pintens monitor athletes

The NCAA reported last week that only 17% of the Black Male athletes who started at UO in 2008 had graduated 6 years later. Only 44% of all Black Male students (includes athletes) entering UO in 2008 graduated: For comparison 67% of all students entering as freshman in 2008 had…

RG’s Diane Dietz details Schill’s Oregon Commitment plan, Editors endorse

The Dietz story is here. The editorial is here: It may sound as though President Michael Schill plans to spend a lot of money on efforts to increase the University of Oregon’s graduation rate. What he’s really doing is taking action to cut losses. Every failure to graduate represents a…

UO hires Sharon Rudnick & Jeff Matthews to negotiate new GTF contract

Just kidding. I have no reason to think that noted big-tobacco lawyer Sharon Rudnick or her HLGR partner and zoning variance expert Jeff Matthews will ever again work for UO. And, in my opinion, the rumors that FAR Tim Gleason will be on the admin team are clearly anti-university. But negotiations between the administration and the GTFF…


Pretty packed agenda. Summer session changes look good. Substitute Senator motion should go smoother the 4th time around. Who the hell knows what’s in the policy repeals except Triplett? The police motion unfortunately comes well short of calling for real reform – starting with replacing Chief McDermed – but it’s a start.

The motion to keep Faculty Advisory Council meetings confidential will get lots of discussion (see below and in the comments) and will I hope then pass. My position?

Any president needs a group of people they can brainstorm with, try out ideas, and discuss things like potential donations and personnel changes, without having to worry it will show up in the papers, or some nasty muckraking blog. If we don’t pass this I assume Schill will stop coming to FAC meetings and set up his own confidential advisory group.

Approving this legislation means we ensure that the faculty (and OA’s) elect the people who give the president confidential advice. Voting against it means that JH will hand-pick them.

I was elected to the IAC in 2010, so I was on it through two of UO’s more disastrous recent years. Now that was an education. (Full disclosure: I was elected again for this year, and I’m also ex-officio as Senate VP.)

So one final reason to vote for this legislation is that anyone can run for the FAC, get elected, and learn how universities function, or don’t. The more faculty who understand universities, the better for the faculty and for the universities. Although the OA’s are probably more important.

Senate Meeting Agenda – November 11, 2015, Browsing Room, Knight Library; 3:00-5:00 pm

3:00 pm    Introductory Remarks, Senate President Randy Sullivan

3:10 pm    1.   Call to Order

3:10 pm    2.   Approval of Minutes

2.1      October 21, 2015

3:15 pm    4.   New Business

4.1       US14/15-40 (Legislation – Returning): To Promote Representative Attendance at Senate Meetings; Senate Executive Committee

Passes unanimously.

4.2       US15/16-05 (Policy Proposal): Proposed Changes to Summer Term Calendar; Frances White (Anthropology), Co-Chair of the Academic Council

Mike Price (Math): Thank you Frances! Passes unanimously.

4.3       US15/16-07 (Policy Proposal): Repeal of IMDs 2.001-015 University System Curricula; Senate Executive Committee

Bonine: Amends to note that the UO Charter gives the faculty jurisdiction over curricula. Board of course has ultimate authority. Amendment and motion pass unanimously.

4.4       US15/16-08 (Policy Proposal): Repeal of OUS 05 Accreditation Reports; Senate Executive Committee

This one goes sideways. Poorly written motion from Triplett requires revision on the floor. Ahlen blows the whistle. Triplett claims the Senate has gotten too specific about motion wording in recent years, no need to give the UO policy number when repealing a policy. (How odd. Last year Triplett was saying we were too loose with the rules.) Effort to postpone to rewrite fails. I point out UO’s accreditation website is out of date. Hubin disagrees, but also says it will be updated shortly. Motion to repeal passes.

4.5       US15/16-06 (Legislation): Revision of Faculty Advisory Council’s charge and exemption from Senate Open Meetings rule; Bill Harbaugh (Economics), Chair of Committee on Committees

Lots of good discussion from Stahl and the Senators. Time runs out, we lose the quorum. Discussion will resume Dec. 2.

4.6       US15/16-04 (Resolution): Improving Effectiveness of the UO Police Department; Frank Stahl (Biology, Emeritus) and John Nicols (History, Emeritus), Statutory Faculty

No time.

4:30 pm    5.   Open Discussion

4:45 pm    6.   Reports

4:45 pm    7.   Notice(s) of Motion

4:45 pm    8.   Other Business

5:00 pm    9.   Adjournment

11/10/2015: Frank Stahl’s reasons for open FAC meetings