When I moved here in 1995, Oregon was a poor state. Now median income for Oregon families is above the national average: Full report here. It also addresses the implications for state revenue, which are boffo.
Posts published by “uomatters”
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club [go through the doors of the Art Museum and turn right] is open during the usual hours this week, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00 to 8:00. Right upstairs from the Faculty Club, in the galleries of the JSMA, are some great short-term loans that will…
At least I assume that’s who this workshop is for, since they’re the most under-represented group on campus. But I doubt they’re going to find 21 Republicans to fill the class among UO’s ~1600 faculty, so maybe I’m missing something: On February 22 and 23, 2020, the Clark Honors College,…
Dear University of Oregon Colleagues, We are writing to let you know that David Conover is retiring from his role as vice president for research and innovation at the end of the academic year, effective July 3, 2020. David has served the university with distinction and been instrumental in promoting…
Long story. Back in 2012 Interim UO President Bob Berdahl commissioned this memo from then General Counsel Randy Geller, on how he could disband the UO Senate and ensure its former committees were staffed with his lackeys. Snippets: This abolitionist effort failed. President Schill has adopted a more indirect, long…
One of the criticisms of the appointment and then reappointment of Ed school Prof Laura Lee McIntyre as the faculty trustee was that she didn’t know much about CAS – and the Board had specifically said the trustee replacing Law Prof Susan Gary should be from CAS. Around the O…
Liveblog: State of the University updates from Pres Schill: 4-year graduation rate is up from about 50% to about 60. Budget situation is not good because of PERS and our heavily unionized environment. [And the failures of our board He’s going to work with Senate on a new policy for…
It’s a tough call, really: President Trump, 11/11/2019: President Schill, 10/10/2019: I can say, without a doubt, that the UO is the most transparent of them all. It’s not even close. The amount of data and information that we make available is truly extraordinary. … I am planning to launch…
Sure, this sounds bad, but apparently he’s brought in lots of grant money and any good defense lawyer will take up the UO administration’s argument and claim it’s part of his important research with bodily fluids. From the BBC:
While UO’s lawyer Paula Barran – acting as the agent of President Schill and the Board of Trustees – has argued it’s OK to pay Freyd less because she doesn’t use bodily fluids or “sophisticated brain imaging” in her research, it appears that her ideas have a power of their…
Dear University of Oregon colleagues, Next week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is important to the University of Oregon because for students on our campus, and at other universities across the country, DACA helps provide…
That’s the title of this Op-Ed in the RG today by Jennifer Gomez, one of Jennifer Freyd’s many excellent students. Read it all, here are some snippets: … However, when people from across the country hear where I am from, invariably someone will ask, “What is the matter with University…
Phil Knight, acting through BoT Secretary Angela Wilhelms and Chuck Lillis, or whoever replaces him as BoT Chair. InsideHigherEd had the story on what happened last time, here: … In an interview, Lillis disputed a newspaper account from the meeting that said he created a process that “reserves broad powers…
and give me a chance to win $500 for doing it? Oh, right, they sell textbooks. Is this crap common in other fields? Do Lit profs get emails from Scribners & Sons pushing them to add more Hemingway to their syllabi?