Coltrane has said he’d clean this up. So what’s the hold-up now? Hi Dave, any progress on the info requests below? Bill Harbaugh UO Prof. of Economics On TuesdayOct 7, 2014, at 9:09 AM, Bill Harbaugh <[email protected]> wrote: Thanks Dave, also can you pass on any info about PRAAG meetings…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a long, thorough report by Tom Bartlett, on their front page, here. (Gated if you are off campus). It leaves out a lot, including the contrast between Gottfredson’s secretive self-appointed “review panel” and the open Senate Task Force Freyd serves on, and the proprietary…
The Fishbowl, that is. In AT0, here. Two generous alumni have donated $1M for its renovation. Klinger doesn’t explain whether or not that will reduce the student fees that Robin Holmes got through the OUS Board, after a little crooked electioneering. For $115K I expect better reporting skills. But the tone is…
At UO, we don’t even allow nudity in figure drawing classes. At UNC, things are a little less uptight: Insidehighered has the report.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 1:00 p.m., Living Learning Center, Courtyard — Hike to the “O”, Tentative Interim President Coltrane joins in the revival of the traditional painting of the “O” atop Skinner’s Butte as the “O” receives the 201st coat of paint. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 9:00 a.m. — Executive Leadership Team…
UO Alum, journalist, and consultant Marc Mooney, who was a UO student back when football wasn’t the all consuming affair it is today, has a long-read history piece on how UO got to where it is today. On his website here:
10/11/2014: As part of the UO Matters Sustainability Program I’m recycling last year’s data and comments: UCLA spends 2% of its budget on sports, while UO spends 13%, for a 650% shellacking. On the other hand, UO’s Econ Phd program beats UCLA’s by 4 points. In general UO’s research ranking looks…
10/10/2014: Of course I’m not talking about UO. Our debate consisted of Frances Dyke lying to us and the state legislature about how it would save money. Now Portland state is considering doing the same. Their administration is a little more honest than Johnson Hall and estimates the cost at $1.5M…
Buried within the “Around the 0” report, here: Currently, the college’s department offices and operations are dispersed across more than 50 buildings on and off campus. The new building will house central advising and administration functions for the dean’s office and college programs. Examples are College Scholars, General Social Sciences…
Synopsis: Coltrane looks like he likes the job, and his colleagues. The faculty and staff clearly like Coltrane too. He gave a brief talk, answered questions, easy rapport. What an improvement. (Funny how when Berdahl and Gottfredson kept insisting we were all colleagues it was so plainly manipulative. Coltrane didn’t even…
Christian Hill has the story in the RG, here. This development process will raise lots of questions about the secretive foundation, and perhaps will prompt some transparency from them. I’ll have more coverage in the coming weeks.
10/7/14 update: That’s the word from the latest meeting of the “President’s Review Panel” tonight. After 30 minutes of plaintive appeals from the moderator for someone, anyone, to tell the panelists (who have an average age of 83, and were sitting above the students on a raised dais, behind protective tables, partially hidden by white tablecloths) an interesting sexual assault story, several students finally took pity and threw them a bone by suggesting UO use the blank space below the mag stripe on the back of student ID’s for some info on how to avoid rape, and what to do afterwards:
Berdahl and the other desperate panelists seized on this uncontroversial feel-good measure with shameless enthusiasm. Wow, that’s going to be so much cheaper than making the jocks skip practice for some dumb feminism class!
Michigan’s Ted Spencer was so excited he offered to donate his entire $10K honorarium as the prize for the best student entry on how to fill the 1.5″x3.5″ space. OK, I’m kidding about Spencer’s $10K promise. I totally made that up. He’s keeping his $10K – although maybe not, now that his Michigan bosses know about it.
But the rest is pretty accurate, and I’m happy to accept your suggestions in the comments for the best stop rape label, or you can find email addresses for Berdahl, Spencer, and the other panelists here.
More seriously, Alexandra Wallachy has a brief Q&A in the ODE with Sexual Assault Review Panel Chair Mary Deits here. Hailey Geller has it on twitter, here. There was supposed to be a video of the session here, but it’s not working. And, in contrast to the distorted pablum we’ve got from UO PR flacks Julie Brown and Tobin Klinger on this issue, former reporter Greg Bolt plays it remarkably straight in “Around the 0”, here. Well worth reading it all, and that’s a first:
Law professor John Bonine also spoke and asked the panel to be cautious about recommending that the university take part in a campus climate survey organized through the Association of American Universities. He said the organization, of with the UO is the only Oregon member, might have a conflict of interest because it is made up of university administrators.
10/7/14: Berdahl, other Gottfredson panelists visit dorms tonight to hear student rape reports
He’s like 85 years old. It all sounds a little creepy to me, even ignoring the $10K payment panelist Ted Spencer tried to hide from Michigan. Back in May, this was a sick joke in The Onion:
Not quite up to the level of 160over90’s “VD” logo, but they’re trying. Thanks to an anonymous reader for the photo and explanation, if you can call it that, from the CAS Dean’s office. Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2014 1:21 PM Subject: Stencils – coming to a sidewalk near you… CAS Heads…
This latest report is from Virginia Wesleyan. The assailant is an athlete: They just said, ‘We looked it over and we want to ensure he can still get a good education and be able to play athletics,'” Doe said in an interview with HuffPost, recalling how college officials further explained…
10/6/2014 update: No wonder Rob Mullens tried to keep this one out of the papers too. KATU has some potentially bad news for Dana Altman’s future net worth, here. KATU pulled court records showing [student] was found guilty of assault and battery, disorderly conduct and vandalism in his home state of…