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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest – Franklin

I’m giving a brief presentation on student debt tomorrow. If you have any interesting links or thoughts, please add in the comments.

NCAA to share administrators’ perks and family junkets with the players?

4/24/2014: This is a stunning development from the NCAA, reported by Rachel Bachman in the WSJ. It must be bitter news for UO’s FAR Jim O’Fallon, who has spent his professional life taking away kids athletic scholarships for just this sort of thing: Other changes that the five power conferences are likely to…

Gottfredson ignores Senate resolution on NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative.

The UO Senate voted 2 weeks ago for an open search for the FAR, for faculty participation in reviews, and against letting current FAR Jim O’Fallon to stay on any longer unless he gets reviewed. Today President Gottfredson sent the Senate this non-response: From: President Gottfredson To: Margaret Paris Date: April…

Senate to meet today, Wed 4/23, 3-5PM 115 Lawrence

Update: Today, in an open meeting, the UO Senate voted to make Senate committee meetings open.

Meetings of the UO Board and its committees are already open. For example the UO Board Finance Committee has posted notice of a public meeting on May 6, here. The Senate Budget Committee, on the other hand, holds its meetings in secret, and UO VP Brad Shelton has said he will not share important information with the SBC, if they hold public meetings. Weird.

The Senate open meetings motion was proposed in November, and was presented to Dave Hubin and the Committee on Committees several months ago. It was discussed at the February Senate meeting. Extensive comments have been posted on the Senate website, here. The Senate spent about 45 minutes today debating the motion, starting with an eloquent and passionate speech in favor by Jennifer Freyd, one of the sponsors. Rob Kyr proposed a significant amendment to provide a mechanism by which the Senate could address the reasonable confidentiality concerns that have been raised. After discussion, this passed.

The motion then passed, with all but one present voting in favor.

VP for Research Kimberly Andrews Espy to leave UO for Arizona

4/22/2014: The UA student paper has a bit on Espy’s hiring, here: The criteria for candidates was that they be leaders with the vision and capability to meet the priorities established by the “Never Settle” strategic plan, according to Nikolich-Žugich. The plan’s goal regarding research and development is to double…