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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

UO Senate retreat agenda, today at 3

Senate Retreat – September 30, 2020 Intro Remarks: Senate President Elliot Berkman, Senate VP & President-Elect Spike Gildea 2020 – 2021 Senate Agenda Break-out groups Robert’s Rules for Senate; Parliamentarian Sandy Weintraub Administrator Updates  Patrick Phillips, University Provost: Announcements. Q&A. Janet Woodruff-Borden, Executive Vice Provost: Remote Delivery, teaching/peer evaluations. Q&A.…

UO Law sinks to #88 in USNWR rankings, despite ~$10M in subsidies from undergrad tuition

As Brad Shelton would say, the metrics are not good, and they’re falling: And just 412 students. But former dean Michael Moffitt, who made the 2014 MOU agreement for “temporary” Law School subsidies with UO VPFA Jamie Moffitt, his spouse, and then lost his job a few years later after…

State Epidemiologist and Lane County Health more transparent than UO admin, on new Covid cases linked to athletes and frats

The Oregonian reported Saturday that student gatherings involving athletes and frats are responsible for the recent increases in Covid cases at UO and OSU. Whether that should lead to more restrictions depends on which public health official you prefer: “State epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger said Friday that officials have identified…

NY Times reports President Schill lied to us about the money

Gosh, I wonder if this means Schill’s claims that big-time college football is about hope and fighting institutionalized racism also aren’t true? Shocking news from reporter Billy Witz in the Times sports pages today, who also seems unimpressed with the idea that Duck sports help UO’s national reputation, and gives…

Party on! Ducks to play football this year, adding Covid threat to usual harms

Update: President Trumps offers us his congratulations, and wants our thanks for making the Pac-12 do this: 9/24/2020: That’s the rumor from the staff who have already started cleaning the ash out of Autzen, and who were told sorry those antigen tests are not for you. The Pac-12 announcement will…

State Economist shocked by un-dismal revenue forecast

From OPB: Oregon’s current budget will be nearly untouched by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and future budgets won’t be as hampered as initially thought, state economists announced Wednesday. Those conclusions, which state economist Mark McMullen told lawmakers were “somewhat shocking,” turn on their head assumptions about how…

Lamine Diack, who “gave” the 2021 (2022?) IAAF championships to Eugene, sentenced to 2 years

Diack in happier times, listening to UO Foundation head Paul Weinhold promise him the full faith and credit of UO’s $1B endowment, in exchange for a track meet: Today’s news from the BBC, here. Diack took money from Russian athletes to ignore their positive drug tests. His Treasurer was also…