At-large positions on the governing board are volunteer posts with nominees selected by the governor. The governor will submit her choice to the Oregon Senate, which in turn votes on whether to confirm nominees. Those interested in applying should contact University Secretary Angela Wilhelms, who can provide more detail…
UO Matters
No one who has ever dealt with a journal editor or reviewers will be surprised by any of this. At least they didn’t ask Schill to cite their own work, to pump up their Academic Analytics metrics. Eugene Weekly reporter Corrine Boyer has obtained the public records on the back…
Or do I have this backwards? Come to the March 16 Town-Hall meeting to find out: Dear Colleagues, I have now been here for several months and I’ve seen some tremendous activity and enthusiasm among members of the faculty. I am continually impressed with the terrific work underway from a…
DRAFT. Watch live here. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake Rooms) Wed Feb 14, 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Chris Sinclair Update from Johnson Hall 3:30 P.M. Approval of Minutes, January 31, 2018 3:35 P.M. Business Report & Vote: US17/18-08: Creation of Core…
Another year, another panel data-point.
Dear Colleagues, This week the Faculty Club is open Wednesday and Thursday during the usual hours (5:00 to 8:00). Wednesday, in honor of Valentine’s Day, campus legend Louise Bishop (Honors College) will deliver a brief “Discourse on Love” at Six-o-Clock Toast time. On Thursday Allison Carter (Anthropology) is organizing a…
The gist: 2.84% in-state, 2.49% out-of state, nothing new on increasing the discount rate for low-SES and high-achieving students, and only the sketchiest data on where the money is going: To University of Oregon Community Members, Pursuant to university policy, I have received tuition and fee recommendations for the 2018–19…
In 1991 UO professor Marion Dean Ross died and gave the bulk of his life savings, $1.2M, to the UO Foundation to manage for the purpose of buying books and photos on the history of architecture, as chosen by the Faculty of the Department of Art History (Now the History…
This time it’s ice cream. The Emerald’s Jack Pitcher has an extensive report here: Not long after opening in 2011 as a food cart serving homemade ice cream, Red Wagon Creamery exploded onto the Eugene food scene. The cart was replaced by a downtown store in 2013, and by 2016,…
2/10/2018: The UO administration can’t even run a music festival, and they think we should trust them to pull off the 2021 IAAF Track and Field championships? The Eugene Weekly’s Bob Keefer, who broke the story of the firing of Bach Festival Artistic Director Matthew Halls back in August over…
When I moved to Eugene in 1995 I was surprised at the size of my first EWEB bill. Perhaps I was unduly influenced by the songs of Woody Guthrie, but I assumed that with lots of hydro and rain, electricity and water wouldn’t eat into my mortgage payments much. Woody…
2/7/2018: From The Times: All seven of the UK’s research councils have signed up to a declaration that calls for the academic community to stop using journal impact factors as a proxy for the quality of scholarship. The councils, which together fund about £3 billion of research each year, are among…
InsideHigherEd’s interview with Jerry Muller about his new book. Published by the high impact-factor Princeton University Press. One excerpt: Q: Some colleges, government agencies and businesses promote tools to evaluate faculty productivity — number of papers written, number of citations, etc. What do you make of this use of metrics?…
That’s my takeaway from this message from Chairperson Harper. Also some stuff about a talk from some guy from the Getty, and paintings:
Will Campbell reports in the Emerald: … A former University of Oregon professor is suing the school because he claims that he was discriminated against because of his Asian-American heritage and his boss made him do odd, unethical chores. … Note: The Emerald’s comments are open. I’m not going to…