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UO Matters

NCAA cartel goes after Duck coaches and UO professor for petty “infractions”

What a load of crap. The NCAA is making UO waste time and money on this trivia while their leaders and coaches pocket hundred of millions of dollars from the sweat and concussions of their unpaid student-athletes. The NCAA won’t even penalize UNC for years of sham courses for athletes,…

Dana Altman wants jail time for student-athletes who protest during anthem

Just kidding. Coach Altman’s efforts to shut-up his players are constrained by the First Amendment and the long and honorable tradition of American athletes using the Star-Spangled Banner and its words about “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave” as the right time, place and manner for…

Was Chuck Lillis right & Mike Schill wrong about the deadwood cost of tenure?

UO Board of Trustees Chair Chuck Lillis is a former marketing professor and dean, and the only regular UO trustee with a PhD. (Academic publications and citations here, ERISA lawsuit settlements here.) He started off a Board meeting a few years back with a brief rant about deadwood tenured faculty. Newly…

Oregon refunds $500 fine, DOJ lawyer begs judge to drop engineer’s lawsuit

12/12/2017: From the Oregonian, and also in the WaPo: Oregon’s Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying unconstitutionally applied state law governing engineering practice to Mats Järlström when he exercised his free speech about traffic lights and described himself as an engineer since he was doing so “in a noncommercial”…

New Duck Coach Mario Cristobal pledges to split $2.5M salary with players via untraceable bitcoin transfers

Just kidding. While new Duck football coach Mario Cristobal is obviously very grateful to the Duck football players who lobbied Rob Mullens and got him the job, there is no evidence that he plans to use untraceable cryptocurrency transfers to share even a dime of his $2.5M salary with them.…

Phone logs show Dana Altman knew about player rape allegations from start

Senator Wyden is gonna be pissed:

UO student reporter Kenny Jacoby, who broke the story, has the latest scoop in Sports Illustrated here. A snippet:

… According to UO spokesman Tobin Klinger, it is the school’s practice not to notify coaches when student-athletes are accused of sexual assault so as not to risk “tainting investigations.”

Yet Altman’s cell phone records, which SI obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal the coach was enmeshed in Bigby-Williams’s case from the beginning.

In the first 48 hours after school officials learned of the police investigation into Bigby-Williams, Altman had five phone calls with Lisa Peterson, the school’s deputy Title IX coordinator, and another four phone calls with Bigby-Williams’s former coach at Gillette College, Shawn Neary. Both Peterson and Neary had direct knowledge of the criminal investigation into Bigby-Williams, and UO failed to disclose these contacts both to SI and in its letter to U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, who demanded more information about UO’s handling of the case in response to SI’s reporting. …

Read it all. Meanwhile there’s an excellent op-ed in the Emerald, asking how it is that Coach Altman’s player never even got called in for a student conduct code investigation despite the rape allegation, while students who disrupted President Schill’s State of the University Address got questioned by the Student Conduct Office for liking the protest on Facebook.

I’d say that there’s plenty here to fire Dana Altman for cause, but instead Rob Mullens will probably give him another raise. Contract here.

11/4/2017 update: 

For the confused, here’s a link to today’s interview with Kenny Jacoby, the reporter who broke this story on OPB’s Think Out Loud. They discuss the incident, where UO’s response went wrong, and the reporter-blaming in UO’s letter to Wyden.

And, from back in 2014, here’s a link to a KATU story on the UOPD’s response to the 2014 incident. The UOPD asked for the EPD report, the EPD detetective said no, and the UOPD detective – the same detective who did not forward the Wyoming police report to the Title IX office this time – congratulated the EPD detective for not giving it to the UOPD, saying

“That was exactly the right decision,” Flynn says in the voicemail, “and what should have been done and we’re trying to keep people from being hysterical over here because they’re being hysterical and wanting to do stupid things.”

True enough.

11/14/2017 update: OSU gang-rape survivor Brenda Tracy not impressed by Schill’s response to Wyden:

Dec 8th, 8 AM Meeting of the Board

Dec 8th, 8 AM Meeting of the Board —  [Materials] [Webcast] – Call to order, roll call, verification of quorum – Approval of September and October 2017 minutes (Action) – Public comment 1. Standing Reports -ASUO President Amy Schenk -University Senate President Chris Sinclair -Provost Jayanth Banavar -President Michael Schill 2. Seconded…

Rob Mullens negotiates porkalicious deal with Nike for Duck athletics cash

12/7/2017: All the cash and apparel goes to the Duck Athletic department, except for a cut of the royalties for the academic side. Academic Departments will have to contract with Nike if they want to sell t-shirts. More details in the Register Guard here: Stanton said that the additional money from…

Trustees to review, discuss report on General Counsel Kevin Reed’s activities

It looks like a busy meeting for their Executive and Audit Committee. Presidential Assessment, Audit report, Annual reports from the GC, Compliance, Ethics, etc. Here’s their agenda, with handy links: 1. Call to Order/Roll/Declaration of a Quorum (Borkar) 2. Consent Item a. Minutes of the July 20, 2017 Executive & Audit…