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UO Matters

Costs of corruption fall as top Oregonian political reporters leave

You don’t have to be an economist to figure out what will happen to the quantity of political corruption in Oregon without the oversight that these reporters have provided. Nigel Jaquiss of WWeek has the bad news, here: Metro columnist Steve Duin, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Read, senior political reporter…

Public Records Office will slash costs of transparency using Cognos

Great news from “Around the O”! This promises a drastic improvement in public records response time, and big reductions in the delays and fees the university uses to discourage the public from getting information. While Public Records Director Lisa Thornton can be extremely efficient when it’s helpful to Johnson Hall, e.g.…

UO hires Barran Liebman to defend against Morlock retaliation claim

12/8/2015:  Don’t cry for our old friends at Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick. They’re still getting their share of billable hours from the long list of law firms making bank off UO’s legal troubles. This is just October: But HLGR was unable to stop the OPBE from proposing a $5K fine for UO Counseling Director Shelly Kerr over…

Black student demands, SCOTUS case on racial preferences, football

This is from 538, here, citing The most common demands, according to our analysis, have been for schools to increase the diversity of professors, offer sensitivity training to students and faculty members, and create or expand support for cultural centers on campus. The demands at more than a quarter of…

Kevin Reed’s office wants USA Today to pay for coaches’ NCAA reports

6/24/2019: At least they’ve stoped claiming they are faculty: Requester: Berkowitz, Steve Organization: USA Today Initial Request Date: 06/17/2019 Status: Awaiting Payment from Requester Request Completion Date: Pursuant to the applicable open-records law(s), I am requesting copies of the following: The current contract for head football coach, including all…

UO gives up public records for Lego model of Autzen, stalls other docs

Update: It seems UO did not give Lego Guy the drawings, since the architect held the copyright. I’m surprised, this sure seems like fair use. 12/7/2015: If you want public records to build a Lego model of Autzen stadium, UO’s public records office is there to help: But if you’re looking for something…