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UO Matters

As Ducks win, male grades drop. (and when teams lose, more domestic violence.)

12/20/2011: That’s the ESPN headline for this paper from 3 UO economists, using data from UO students: The gist: Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement?∗ Jason M. Lindo Isaac D. Swensen Glen R. Waddell American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Abstract: We consider the relationship between collegiate-football success and…

Pernsteiner on hiring freeze

12/20/2011: From his memo to the OUS system presidents: December 16, 2012 To:  OUS Presidents From:  George Pernsteiner Subject:  State of Oregon Hiring Freeze and Austerity Measures   As you are aware, Governor John Kitzhaber and Chief Operating Officer Michael Jordan this week imposed administrative restrictions on all State Agencies. …

OUS board violation: "You need evidence of an executive session".

12/20/2011 (Updated frequently at bottom): If you signed on to the complaint to the Oregon Government Ethics commission about the OUS board’s decision to fire President Lariviere without following the public meetings law, you’ve probably received a letter from GEC Director Ron Bersin saying he will not investigate. We’re following…

WWJBD? Bean for Chancellor

1/14/2012: Update: According to the latest records UO has stopped paying for his beamer. Interesting. 12/19/2011: Jim Bean went on sabbatical for his health, and at he moment he’s still on a sabbatical, visiting old friends to catch up on the last 15 years of OR research and scanning papers…

The acid test

for leadership at UO for the next few years will have two parts: a) Did you fight back when OUS fired Lariviere? b) Can you get over it already, and put in the effort to get UO back on track? Lots of unpaid committee work coming up for the faculty…