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UO Matters

League of the Violators

11/8/2011: More public records are coming out on the Kelly / Lyles deal, courtesy of Adam Jude of the RG. The Oregonian report notes the documents include: Email exchanges between Glazier, Ron Barker, Pac-12 associate commissioner for governance and enforcement; Steve Duffin, NCAA associate director of enforcement; Angie Cretors, NCAA…

Don’t organize, mourn!

11/8/2011: Faculty governance, that is. The United Academics faculty union organizers are apparently planning a card check election for December. They are having a roundtable discussion at the UO Senate meeting, Wed, 175 Knight Law School. Their slot is 4-5 PM. For me, the high point of the union campaign…

Arma virumque cano

11/8/2011: The RG reports that Chancellor Pernsteiner will not appeal the state court decision allowing permit holders to carry concealed guns on campus. The Baron’s Den NRA courses for November are sure to fill up quickly, especially since the December classes have been canceled to allow some much needed range…

No Comment

11/8/2011: Dear Research Community: I am happy to announce that after a long search we have been successful in appointing a Sponsored Projects Contract Officer for the Office of Research Services and Administration (ORSA). Ms. Liz Denecke, who most recently served as the UO Public Records Officer, joined ORSA in…

Secret Frohnmayer deal on athletics subsidies

11/5/2011: Details in this Steve Duin column in the Oregonian, coming out in print Sunday: The memo sets out the hoops the university jumps through to maintain the illusion (that athletics is self-supporting). The administration, for example, generously “allows” athletics to bank revenue from above-ground, off-street parking in designated lots…

Time to put up or shut up

11/4/2011: Last spring the faculty pushed for an honest and thorough review of the performance of our VP for Academic Affairs. Your voice got heard, and the administration is now searching for a replacement: Colleagues I am pleased to announce the internal posting to recruit the Senior Vice Provost for…

Stereotype threat

11/3/2011: I’m no psychology professor but Claude Steele is, and he has done some fascinating work on “stereotype threat”. The classic experiment is to tell women everyone knows women are bad at math, just before they take a math quiz. They do worse. It works in reverse too. Or so…

No faculty on the faculty grievance committee list?

11/2/2011: This is a weird one. I just got the email saying: The special election for the Promotion Tenure-Retention Appeals Committee (PTRAC) and the Faculty Grievance Appeals Committee (FGAC) has begun. To cast your vote, please log on to DuckWeb and click on the 2011 Faculty/Staff Election tab: When…

Administrators gone wild

11/2/2011: Greg Bolt’s story 2 weeks ago in the RG gave the short version of the last 10 years of UO spending priorities: 26% more students, 9% more faculty, 36% more administrators. Today Bolt has a detailed story about the recent UO raises. The short version? The money for the…