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UO Matters

Bit late, eh?

11/18/2011: “NCAA says it will examine how Penn State has handled scandal.” From the enablers on the NCAA Infractions Committee: *Eligible for reappointment Division Committee Positions Title Name & Institution Conference TermExpiration   0   Member   Attorney   John Black      Independent SEP 2014*   0   Member   Partner   Roscoe Howard  Andrews Kurth LLP   Independent…

What will Kitzhaber do?

11/28/2011: The fate of President Richard Lariviere, of his New Partnership, and of UO as a serious research university is up in the air. Path A is control by OUS Chancellor Pernsteiner, followed by gradual but inevitable descent into mediocrity. Path B is Lariviere’s New Partnership, followed by a big…

OUS outmaneuvers UO

11/12/2011: We wrote about this possibility back in August. Now it seems to have happened. This new IMDB from the 11/4/2011 OUS Board meeting will leave President Lariviere unable to obtain legal advice from anyone other than attorneys appointed and monitored by Pernsteiner. Read it all. Not only does it…