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UO Matters

Bread to Circuses

9/22/2010: John Hunt has an Oregonian story on the latest in Ducks basketball troubles. They are expected to fall below NCAA academic standards in Spring, and then have their allowable practice time and scholarship support cut – unless the NCAA gives the new coach a break. A commenter points out…

Athletic Subsidies

9/22/2010: USA Today has been doing a lot of good reporting on college athletics, backed up by a database they painfully compile from FOIA requests to public schools for the reports those schools submit to the NCAA. (The NCAA – a non-profit which gets a tax-exemption by arguing they act…

Furlough Days

9/21/2010: The new website for the proposed faculty union is a bit sleepy, but has a few new posts. Meanwhile, the SEIU staff union is fighting OUS over the furlough situation: The Oregon University System is refusing to eliminate furloughs for classified workers. OUS Labor Relations Director Rick Hampton and…

Basketball scandal

9/16/2010: I don’t know the details but some sort of scandal is brewing with the bball team. George Schroeder of the RG has a piece on it here. Presumably some sports agent gave one of the players a few grand to make it through the school year before he signed…

Women outcompete men

9/14/2010: More women than men are now in PhD programs, and the current growth in PhD numbers is also mostly from women –  even in math, engineering, and physical sciences. From Scott Jaschik in Average Annual Change in Number of New Doctoral Degrees, by Gender, 1998-9 to 2008-9 Field…

UO’s new budget model

9/10/2010: VP for Budget and Planning Brad Shelton has a new website for his new Budget Model. We just got the news, but it looks like another big step forward for transparency at UO. I particularly like the no bullshit FAQ. Example: Why would you use a budget system…

Why UO needs police with guns?

9/10/2010: From a Sports Illustrated column: … a national study in 1995 that examined the campus police records and internal judicial affairs records at 20 Division I institutions, most of which had top basketball or football programs. Among other things, we found that male student-athletes comprised 3.3 percent of the…