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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Dumb, dumber, and Doug Park

Oregon has a law on government transparency: SB 2500, passed in 2009. State agencies are required to post a bunch of info, including expenditures, on the state transparency webpage here. For example, Oregon State University spent a fair amount on Legal Services: What about UO? Well, UO has stopped reporting Legal Services…

Woman involved in UO basketball sex case sues university, Dana Altman

Update: The complaint is here: Update: Andrew Greif in the Oregonian. Brandon Austin’s mother calls Dana Altman a liar: … The players were barred from campus for at least four years, and up to 10, in June, by the university. But before that discipline was handed down, the suit alleges, the university…

School board pays HLGR $12K to help hide records – before the lawsuit even starts

1/7/2015 update: Josephine Woolington has more in the RG on the Eugene School Board’s decision to hire HLGR to help them hide these public records: Said school board Chairman Jim Torrey on Wednesday: “In this case, we believe our decision to bring legal action was in the best interest of…

Interview with new BOT student member Helena Schlegel

1/7/2015 update: Rumor has it that graduating law student Sam Dotters-Katz tried to keep his position on the board for another year, but a long talk with Randy Geller convinced him it was better to go quietly. UO student government then submitted several names to Governor Kitzhaber, and nominee Helena Schlegel was confirmed by the Oregon Senate just before the December board meeting. Alexandra Wallachy has an interview with her in the Emerald, here:

How have you learned to improve transparency and student outreach?

I would like to see more communication between students, faculty and administration when it comes to our governing body, as I feel that often students are not informed, and thus not aware when important decisions are being made at Board of Trusteees meetings.

Personally, I would like to initiate some of these conversations. Initially, I want to ensure students are aware of the Winter Board of trustees meeting, so they can provide a student perspective and/or opinion on the matters being discussed.

4/28/2014: Dotters-Katz to be replaced as student representative to UO Board of Trustees

Judge approves free speech lawsuit against ISU Pres “in his personal capacity”

I’m no lawyer, but my understanding is that the normal immunity of state officials for official acts does not hold in cases involving violations of civil rights: AMES, Iowa, January 7, 2015—Yesterday, an Iowa federal judge denied Iowa State University’s (ISU’s) motion to dismiss a First Amendment lawsuit filed by students.…

Chronicle / SI report on NCAA fixer fingers Ducks for academic fraud

Brad Wolverton has the report in the Chronicle, well worth reading it all: … According to a former NCAA investigator who was familiar with the case, five universities—Liberty, Morgan State, Oregon, South Florida, and Xavier of Ohio—faced questions about players with whom Mr. White had worked. … Mr. White’s first client,…

Will football success bring better students, more academic donations?

The UO administration has been wishing this would happen for the last 20 years, as justification for their slavish devotion to big-time sports. Richard Read has the latest in the Oregonian here, complete with quotes from Chief PR flack Tim Clevenger, VP for Enrollment Roger Thompson, and VP for Development Mike Andreasen,…

Duck PR flack Tim Clevenger shows IRS proof of “business purpose” for junket

1/1/2015 junket update: It’s good to see he’s found some honest work as a limo driver. Meanwhile our Chief Strategic Communicator’s team is churning out the traditional “Around the 0” stories on the obligatory charity and student recruiting events: 12/27/2014: Johnson Hall admins take off for semi-final bowl game junkets Last…

PBS interviews Frohnmayer on Fanconi Foundation

12/31/2014 update: The PBS News Hour uses the Frohnmayer family tragedy with Fanconi’s Anemia and the UO/FSU Rose Bowl game as a hook to examine the larger issue of research on rare diseases, here: HARI SREENIVASAN: Dr. Summar, that attention, focus, there are 7,000-plus rare genetic disorders out there. And I’m going to feel a little…

What the If?

I’ve put together a simple alternative UO homepage with useful UO links and no 160over90 branding crap, here. 12/31/2014 update:  We’re on the hook for 4 more years? Wed., Dec. 31, 2014 University of Oregon Kicks Off Branding Push By Kevin McCauley The University of Oregon will use its Jan.…