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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Gottfredson panics over Trustees debacle, cancels week 1 schedule to regroup

4/6/2014 Update: President Gottfredson to start this week with a closed meeting with UO Board leadership. Maybe they’ll start the planning for his public 360 degree performance review? FWIW I think Coltrane would be a fine interim president. 4/3/2014: That’s the least troubling of the rumors about administrative disarray, at…

Schooled and Real Sports

Update: Oregonian sports writer Canzano supports Duck football union: On Wednesday, the regional director of the National Labor Relations Board in Chicago ruled that Northwestern University football players are employees, entitled to the right to unionize. Well, duh. The ruling applies only to private universities. Oregon and Oregon State players…

How the NCAA can reform

I’m not sure that the NCAA can reform itself, too many powerful people are making too much money off the unpaid players. But there’s some fascinating history in this piece by Ken Pendleton of the Sports Conflict Institute: In 1956, the NCAA finally accepted the idea that scholarships could be…

Gottfredson reports on Board of Trustees meeting, shared governance issues

Dear Campus Community, I am pleased to provide this update on recent activities of our new governing board. Over the last month, I have met with many alumni, donors, and friends to enthusiastically share the extraordinary nature of our new board and the opportunity it presents. We are truly working…

Great news for UO finances

Update: And here’s still more good news from Hannah Hoffman in the Statesman Journal: PERS almost fully funded after boom year. PERS earned 15.8% (Compared to the UO Foundation’s 13.8%). 4/2/2014: Eugene rents are far below most cities where our prospective out-of-state students might go, and the rate of growth is zero. With…

President Margie Paris slams Geller’s sneak attack on shared governance

As posted on the Senate website, here: Obviously, this is an important foundational document for our new system of governance, and it has direct implications to the shared governance work of the Senate and its constituencies. Yet none of us among those constituencies was aware of or had read this…