From a webinar at Quinnipiac College: “What we need to do is make sure the NIL reflects the value that the students’ name, image and likeness has instead of inducement of donors and boosters,” Schill said. “We need federal legislation that provides a uniform, federal definition of allowable NIL so…
UO Matters
InsideHigherEd has the story: Iowa State University announced Thursday that it is leaving the Association of American Universities. The news revived a debate over the AAU’s membership criteria. “While the university’s core values have not changed since joining the association in 1958, the indicators used by AAU to rank its members have…
Rumor down at the faculty club is that JH has decided we can’t keep the current Interim Dean because what with our Provost and President, white males are already over-represented in UO’s senior leadership. Here’s hoping the winner negotiates a large cut in the subsidy CAS is paying to prop…
Pres Schill and Prov Phillips save the good news for the end. Here’s hoping this is the start of a compete reform of UO’s budgeting, planning, and Institutional Research offices. At well-run universities these are staffed with competent professionals who provide credible timely information to the central administration and are…
The faculty union first brought this modest request to the table pre-pandemic. Our administration – led by a full professor who never even passed the prelims – has now caved on the title, but not the substance. From the UAUO bargaining news, which contains much more info: As in past…
We’ve all heard about the controversial practice of closed presidential searches, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a closed search for a Dean before – not even at LSU. But UO seems to be trying, so here’s my public records request for a little transparency: From: harbaugh <[email protected]>Subject: Public records…
From … According to the lawsuit, Taggart told players when he was hired that he and the new coaches were going to focus on discipline in strength and conditioning and that they were “going to find the snakes in the grass and cut their heads off.” The document states…
[I’ve deleted the screenshot of the Zoom session, because the Administration threatened to close bargaining if I didn’t. Touchy.] I don’t know much about Chicoine except that, in a strange reversal of the normal higher ed business model, he’s charging UO to teach him how to do his job. You…
Dear University of Oregon community members,I hope your spring term is off to a terrific start. Spring typically brings a sense of hope and renewal, and this year we have reason to be especially optimistic about what lies ahead at the University of Oregon. As I walk around campus and…
2022 Candidates & Statements University Senate CAS – Humanities: 5 openings 1. Barbara Muraca, Philosphy – Statement 2. Stephen Rust, English 3. Bjorn Smars, English 4. Peter Warnek, Philosophy 5. TBD CAS – Natural Sciences: 4 openings 1. Anthony Hornof, CIS 2. Huaxin Lin, Mathematics 3. Peng Lu, Mathematics – Statement 4.…
The Olympic torch lighting signifies the start of the games, but when track and field events are underway for the World Athletics Championships this summer at the University of Oregon’s Hayward Field, a new tradition will spark. The tall tower outside of Hayward Field, long called the “Phildo,” will be…
I just finished teaching a small Econ honors capstone course. From the email sent in with one of the final papers: Thanks for offering this course this term. We had such a great time working together we all registered for a flag football course together spring term.
And fortunately that precedent is the exact opposite of what they’d hoped for when they spent UO’s money on a losing fight against Professor Jennifer Freyd’s equal pay lawsuit. Some snippets from Law 360 below. My favorite part is “Counsel for the University of Oregon did not respond to an…
Plenty of worse ways to waste taxpayers money, and thanks!
Equity. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Some faculty are young, single, low risk. Others have unvaccinated kids, are immunocompromised, taking care of someone who is, or are just plain old. Our administration wants to treat them all the same:…