Just kidding, their bonus was just for him. With inflation, your raise will be about -5% real. Dear University of Oregon community, As we prepare to close out spring term and celebrate commencement, I would like to congratulate all our graduates and thank every member of our campus community for…
UO Matters
The nice thing about an external dean hire is they can negotiate new lines and money as part of their start-up. If anyone knows what he was promised for CAS, please put it in the comments. Dear University of Oregon colleagues,It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Christopher J.…
There’s a tool that gives you stats on the popularity of wikipedia searches, and it can give a little insight into the secret world of university searches. OSU has announced two finalists, Charles Martinez and Jayathi Murthy. OSU’s trustees will meet tomorrow at 10AM to anoint one to replace their…
Thanks to a retiring reader for the link. We all know it’s the staff and OAs that keep this place from falling apart. Here’s how UO rewards their service:
This cost is borne by those young and reckless enough to choose to handle an inflammable carcinogen, if not for the beneficent rule of law. On the other hand the ban is a cross-subsidy to those old and wise enough to leave gasoline to trained professionals, who would otherwise have…
Wow this sure takes me back to this blog’s early days. Interestingly OSU has so little trust in their trustees and the Isaacson Miller search firm that the board had to hire *another* firm to do due diligence on IM’s due diligence. I wonder what they dug up on Charles.…
Our Board of Trustees once again indulges the urge to show how happy they are with themselves for hiring President Schill by giving him another series of large raises, bonuses, and extra retirement contributions, paid for with other people’s money: To be rubber-stamped by the board after the usual happy-talk,…
From Eric Kelderman at the Chronicle, thanks to a regular reader for forwarding: After being chosen in a closed search process, F. King Alexander didn’t last a whole year as president at Oregon State University. Now, the university’s Board of Trustees is taking a different approach to appoint his successor.…
My scotch consumption is not exactly a secret to regular readers, but I had no idea how far my reputation had spread:
Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices Publick Benefits, 1714: Pride and Vanity have built more Hospitals than all the Virtues together. Pres Schill, in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, today: … First, a disclaimer. The University of Oregon has been fortunate to receive three extremely large donations…
I can picture them in the JH conference room chuckling over the divide-and-conquer possibilities. “This will teach them to bring up equity again!” Who do they pay to come up with these ideas? Brad Shelton? Kevin Reed? Jeff Chicoine? The latest bargaining news from your union: The administration’s lawyer opened…
And apparently the jurors bought it, letting the cartel off. UO had already paid Brenner $500K. I haven’t been following the case, so I don’t know if former UO Journalism Dean Tim Gleason admitted that his supervision as “Faculty” Athletic Representative was deficient, or was exactly what AD Rob Mullens…
I missed the part where Provost Phillips and President Schill consulted with shared governance in these decisions. Rumor has it that the Deans also feel a bit left out. In any case here is Johnson Hall’s latest: