The gist is a list of “criteria” that includes no actual criteria, standards, numbers, trends, required first or second derivative signs, or any other metrics.
So it’s gonna be a judgement call, and Provost Phillips is not going to disclose what criteria actually need to be met to reopen in-person teaching at UO:
On or before August 26, the university will make a decision about whether to alter our plans and either more significantly reduce the number of in-person courses or transition to a fully remote model for the fall. This decision will be based on public health guidance and the following criteria:
- Indications of increasing community spread
- County reopening phase level
- Rate of county rapid testing turnaround times, and capacity for UO to provide testing to help sustain county needs
- Capacity of contact tracing and case management at health authority, for example Lane County Public Health (LCPH) in Eugene, including UO contact tracing resources assigned to support LCPH
- Implementation of protocols for enforcement of behavioral interventions, especially face coverings
- Capacity of on-campus self-isolation space for students living in University Housing
- Access to and availability of personal protective equipment needed to remain operational
- Ability to maintain proper levels of cleaning and sanitation
- Status of local K-12 schools and impacts on university personnel
Meanwhile UO’s Public Records Office is still delaying the release of basic testing data:
Full text online here and below the break: