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Posts published by “uomatters”

Provost Phillips tells career faculty he will cut their FTE if they go for promotion

No, I’m not making this up. The Faculty Union’s email about it is here. Some snippets: The Price of Excellence Faculty who achieve promotion, whether they be tenure-track or Career, are supposed to earn job security and an increase in salary. By achieving promotion, these faculty have demonstrated their excellence…

Pres Schill’s Track & Field Championship construction boom adds $15M a year to UO costs, UO credit rating goes negative

In June 2015 UO projected that debt expense payments for 2021 would be about $43M a year: Now in June 2020 they are projecting debt expense payments for 2021 will be about $58M a year – a $15M increase: Why the increase? Mostly for 30 year bonds sold to build…

UO Administrators “Speaking out against hatred, racism, and violence”

They’re going to hold a workshop, some forums, and “potentially a course dedicated to examining structural barriers to racial equity in the COVID-19 era”. Some bragging about what they’ve done over the past 5 years. Maybe some more implicit bias training? No mention of holding more Jeffersonian Dinners with our…

Update: How to get the Student Experience Survey into Canvas

Important Note: Canvas “anonymous” surveys aren’t really anonymous — apparently it’s possible for faculty to identify submissions, though it takes a few steps of deliberate action! It’s therefore a good idea to do one of the following: (i) if using Canvas, be transparent about this flaw, but tell your students…

Committee formerly known as the Senate IAC to meet today at 3

Post-live blog: I zoomed in for most of this. The most real part was Rob Mullens talking about possible NCAA cost-cutting measures. Cutting student-athlete scholarships was on the list, reducing the number of assistant coaches was not. 5/23/2020: The Senate turned this committee over to the President’s office back in…

Senate de-names covid financial planning task force over shared governance theater concerns

The decisions about UO’s financial and academic response to the coronavirus and its long term consequences are being made by Pres Mike Schill, Provost Patrick Phillips, BoT Secretary Angela Wilhems, VPBP Brad Shelton, CAS Dean Bruce Blonigen, and VPFA Jamie Moffitt in secret. The idea that they would use this…

Gov Brown appoints former aide Connie Seeley to watch over Angela Wilhelms & troubled UO Board of Trustees

Our Trustees will meet again on June 4th by Zoom, presumably to approve another $12M Jumbotron for Uncle Phil. Meanwhile, The Daily Emerald has the story on Governor Kate Brown’s nomination of current OHSU VP for Administration and Board Secretary Connie Seeley as the latest UO Trustee, here: Seeley graduated…