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UO Matters

Guns on campus

9/28/2011: (Edited in response to an anonymous comment.) Sanne Godfrey of the ODE reports that Frances Dyke and Doug Tripp are all but sure to get final approval for a fully sworn, armed UO Police force, at the 10/7/2011 OUS meeting. And Bill Graves of the Oregonian reports that the…

NCAA insiders rake it in

9/28/2011: Today in the the Chronicle: In all, the NCAA took in $741-million in the 2009-10 fiscal year, up from $706-million the previous fiscal year. As a nonprofit organization, the NCAA is not required to pay taxes on its revenues. Their job is riding shotgun on the gravy train for…

Oregonian on UO

9/26/2011: Two recent opinion pieces in the Oregonian. Both with praise for UO’s ambitions and the importance of that ambition for the state. Steve Duin – not exactly a patsy for UO’s public relations department in the past: What’s not to like about the university’s ambition, in a state where…

More on OUS Chancellor, UO Board

9/24/2011: Roundup of recent developments in Gov Kitzhaber’s reorganization of Oregon Education. Worth reading it all, from Bill Graves in the Oregonian: Gov. John Kitzhaber recently appointed the powerful Oregon Education Investment Board, which he will chair and which will control the budget for education in Oregon from preschool through…