I love a good de-statufication as much as the next guy. And dragging its de-nosed carcass up the steps of Johnson Hall? That was an awesome coup de grace. Respect. But throwing red paint at the library? Really? This is junior-high school lame. In the Daily Emerald here:
UO Matters
Who would have guessed. From today’s email from the University of Oregon, here. Also: The university has approved a new self-check health regulation which outlines that students and employees should conduct a self-check daily and not come to campus if they are experiencing or have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the…
Elevator version: The Oregon Supreme Court tells the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners that they must add a new at-home bar exam for October, and give “diploma privilege” to all Oregon and most other law school 2020 grads, allowing them the right to practice law in Oregon if they can find…
About time. Hundreds of millions of donor dollars, and hundreds of “student-athlete” concussions will be saved by ending this annual battle and the football teams it requires. Just kidding, they’re only going to rename it. The wasteful spending and blood will continue. Thanks to a reader for forwarding OSU’s statement.…
Ken Goe has the story in the Oregonian, here. The UO website revealed Thursday that five members of the campus community have tested positive. Some schools, among them Pac-12 rivals Colorado, Oregon State and Washington, have released information about the number of athletes to test positive this month. Colorado reported…
Live-blog: Really not that hard, was it? I thought the student trustee Katharine Wishnia had the best comments, here. Pres Schill promised some stuff, and maybe called out implicit bias training as the sort of window-dressing we could do without, but I wasn’t really listening, sorry. If anyone brought up what to do about the Duck’s exploitation of mostly minority football players to pay for coaching, travel, and scholarships for mostly white non-revenue sport athletes I missed it.
Mostly this meeting is online – I mean virtual – but a few of the trustees are in JH:
One of them is wearing what appears to be an American flag mask. I’m no vexillologist who once got chewed out by my Boy Scout Troopmaster for wearing an American flag bandana on a canoe trip, but this is a violation of U.S. Code § 8. Respect for flag:
No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.
(d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.
(e)The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.
(i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. …
(j)No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.
Also, the flag should be displayed so that the union (i.e. the stars) are on the observer’s left.
6/24/2020: This is either going to be the shortest board meeting since the one where they bought out Gottfredson, or an opportunity for Pres Schill and our Trustees to give long, heartfelt speeches about their newly acquired but deeply held beliefs about the symbolic importance of de-naming Deady.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for June 24 at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This meeting will be limited to the topic of Deady Hall. The next regular, quarterly meeting of the Board is scheduled for September 10-11, 2020.
The June 24 meeting will be held remotely due to ongoing social distancing guidance. Members of the public or media may view a livestream feed at: https://youtu.be/diSuPRnX6Ko , or listen via audio only by dialing 1-888-337-0215 and entering Access Code: 9504541.
Those wishing to provide public comment to the Board for this meeting may do so in writing via [email protected]. All comments will be shared with trustees, but only comments received by 8:00 a.m. on June 24 are guaranteed to be shared with trustees prior to the meeting. Thank you for understanding.
6/10/2020: Pres Schill’s response to Trustee Colas ignores exploitation of black student athletes, accepts denaming Deady
Pres Schill’s letter is below – he says he’s changed his mind on denaming Deady and the Board will meet on it soon. He ignores the exploitation issue.
Trustee Andrew Colas, speaking at last weeks Board meeting:
First he pointed out to Duck AD Rob Mullens that it’s the football players – mostly black – whose unpaid labor earns 75% of the AD budget and supports Mullens and the “non-revenue” sports, which are mostly white. So Black Lives should Matter to Mullens, if he wants to keep getting paid. Video of Colas’s response to AD Rob Mullens is here:
Then, in thoughtful and moving remarks, he called for the Board to vote – immediately – to dename Deady Hall, here:
President Schill’s letter:
From the Portland Biz Journal here: … The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory damages “in excess of $10 million.” … The lawsuit charges that “independent lab testing” revealed that Cura’s Select Elite products “contained only 55% THC (i.e. 550 mg), despite promising they would contain 76.9% THC (i.e. 769 mg).” That…
Thanks to a reader for forwarding. Lots of stuff about community and transparency, but no mention of what sort of weaponry they will be armed with: Dear OSU community members, The Department of Public Safety wants you to know that we feel the pain, the outrage and the impact of…
Just kidding, they’re going to meet, but just about de-naming Deady. Gosh, I wonder what they’ll decide this time. This Wednesday Thursday at 1 PM, online. Corrected materials here. (The original agenda had the day as Thursday, but it’s really on Wednesday.) Livestream will presumably be on the UO Channel…
Full results and open-source docs, so that other universities to use the survey are now posted here. The survey was done by Melissa Graboyes, Ph.D., MPH Associate Professor, Medical History & African History Clark Honors College. Here’s the gist from her website: The UO Fall Survey ran from June 3-11.…
From the Chronicle of Higher Ed, here: The University of Alaska’s president, James R. Johnsen, announced on Friday that he had withdrawn his candidacy for president of the University of Wisconsin system following growing criticism of his record in Alaska and of Wisconsin’s search, which named him its only finalist.…
Apparently not all new public art is as bad as what UO has been installing recently. For example: Compare with this strange new-age schlock, put up outside Straub a few years back: And then there’s this terrifying monster:
Just kidding, they’re asking the Duck athletes to sign it before starting workouts. Story in the Oregonian here.