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UO Matters

Sole U-Wisc President candidate withdraws, in another failure for search firms

From the Chronicle of Higher Ed, here: The University of Alaska’s president, James R. Johnsen, announced on Friday that he had withdrawn his candidacy for president of the University of Wisconsin system following growing criticism of his record in Alaska and of Wisconsin’s search, which named him its only finalist.…

VPAA to Deans/Depts: Stop granting your damn faculty’s requests to teach remotely!

Thanks to an anonymous source for the leak: From: Janet Woodruff-Borden <[email protected]> Date: June 16, 2020 at 7:05:16 PM EDT To: Brad Shelton <[email protected]>, Bruce Blonigen <[email protected]>, DD Humanities <[email protected]>, Gabe Paquette <[email protected]>, Hal Sadofsky <[email protected]>, Janet Woodruff-Borden <[email protected]>, Juan-Carlos Molleda <[email protected]>, Karen Ford <[email protected]>, Kate Mondloch <[email protected]>, Laura Vandenburgh…

Pres Schill draws sigh of relief as sensible vandals rid UO of troublesome statues

President Schill’s email this morning: Dear University of Oregon community, There is no question we are living in a moment when our nation is painfully coming to grips with the reality of systemic racism that has been woven into the fabric of our society for generations. Racism exists despite the…

UO Pioneer Father & Mother statues toppled from pedestals, as UO awaits new talking points from Pres Schill’s PR Flacks

Update: These two photos were both taken by Andrew Nelson, a photojournalist for the RG. The first is from Bagdad in 2003, just before a US Marine vehicle pulled down Saddam Hussein’s statue. The second is from Eugene, today, from this RG report. I’m posting them as a reminder that…

UO Senate to meet Wed for votes on virtue signaling resolution & Pres Elect

For agenda/motion updates check here. Zoom at 3:00 P.M.  Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Elizabeth Skowron Remarks; Senate Vice President & President-Elect Elliot Berkman 3:10 P.M. Approval of the Minutes May 13, 2020 3:15 P.M. State of the University President Michael Schill 3:30 P.M. New Business US19/20-18:…

Save the UO Librarians

You’d think the first thing a university would cut during a budget crisis would be some of its money-losing sports – starting with say baseball. Not at UO, where the administration is cutting the librarians. A snippet from the well documented website they’ve put together in response, here: Like…