For as far back as I can tell UO and the Duck Athletic Department have split licensing revenues down the middle. It’s *college athletics*. No college, no money for the coaches, and vice versa. So it’s 50/50. (Nothing for the athletes of course, it’s an NCAA rule). This is why…
UO Matters
No one takes the job of Dean without getting some promises from the Provost about money and hiring, in writing. What sort of deals? Let’s find out: From: Bill Harbaugh <[email protected]> Subject: Public records request, MOU’s with Deans Date: April 1, 2020 at 12:43:49 AM PDT To: Lisa Thornton <[email protected]>…
Today at 2:30: Submit your questions for UO leadership now using an anonymous webform or emailing [email protected]. You can also submit questions during the live event by emailing [email protected]. Expectations are high: Meanwhile in bathrooms across Eugene, faculty begin their remote lectures with the tools they have on hand:
From the UO Foundation’s IRS 990 form, here: Where does their pay come from? When you give to UO to support our students, the money goes through the Foundation. They take 5% off the top. Do they charge Phil Knight the same percentage for the ~$250M Hayward Field? For the…
No, this is not the one where boomers yell at people running in circles at Hayward Field. This is serious. The RG has the story:
John Canzano has another story about the failure of their Board (consisting of the president’s of the 12 universities) to control the PAC-12’s spending on itself. [CEO Larry Scott, ~$5M a year] directed Gary Stevenson to negotiate an 11-year lease with Kilroy Realty Corporation to secure two floors and 113,000…
An announcement from the OA Council. In case you’re new, the OAs are the people who keep the University from collapsing into chaos: From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected] Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:27 PM To: [email protected] Subject: oanews: OA Council COVID-19 updates & outreach Good afternoon, The…
Dear University of Oregon faculty, I wanted to update you with the very latest information about some changes to the grading options for undergraduate courses for spring term 2020, given that the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our university to a system of remote learning. These are unprecedented times for our…
3/25/2020 update: Dear Colleagues, In recognition of the extraordinary disruption in both professional and personal lives caused by COVID-19, all currently untenured faculty may request a one-year extension by simply communicating their preference to add an additional year to their tenure clocks. All requests will be honored. Faculty should forward…
The email invite to a series of dinners on Love, etc.: From: VP for Equity and Inclusion <[email protected]> Date: January 17, 2020 Cc: VP for Equity and Inclusion <[email protected]> Subject: Would you like to have a conversation over dinner?: Response Requested by January 31, 2020 ~Message sent on behalf of Vice President Yvette…
The Ducks have $63M in cash. Will Pres Schill let them keep spending it on their raises and bonuses?
VPFA Jamie Moffitt has noted that UO’s operating reserves are about $60M, for a general fund budget of about $650M. After it’s gone, it’s not clear how UO will meet payroll. Meanwhile the Ducks are sitting on $63M in their “Legacy Fund”, for an annual budget of about $125M. This…
Intro Macroeconomics: To turn a recession into a depression, cut government jobs: From: CAS Dean <[email protected]> Date: March 20, 2020 at 10:57:13 PDT To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>, “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Subject: cas-heads: Notifications of renewal and nonrenewal to career faculty Dear heads and managers, This is a reminder that the May 1…
Just kidding, I haven’t heard a peep from Weinhold lately, he’s busy running a bank on the side. In any case he already promised the endowment to the IAAF to get the Track & Field Championships. The academic side can sink or swim. Here’s Weinhold telling IAAF President Lamine Diack…