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Posts published by “uomatters”

Register Guard editors confused about UO’s inflection point and sports

9/23/2015: This latest RG editorial is a response to Jack Stripling’s story in the Chronicle of Higher Ed about UO, “An Academic Reputation at Risk“. That is still gated if you are off campus, but I put up a few extracts here.

The RG’s editors are confused about the meaning of “inflection point” (Hint: Check the 2nd derivative, not the first). More significantly they seem blissfully unaware of the years of research results, including two NCAA sponsored white papers, that cannot find evidence for the claim that athletic success is a cost-effective way for a university to increase enrollment. Here’s what the RG says:

The rise of athletics coincided with the decline in public financial support, and came just as the UO needed to market itself outside the state’s boundaries. In that respect it was a godsend, giving the UO a foot in the door with prospective students everywhere.

Aren’t journalists supposed to follow the money? This argument has made millions for the athletics directors, coaches, and the compliant presidents whose PR flacks keep repeating it.

The online comments are pretty good though, as is the basic story about how declines in state funding forced UO’s leaders to go after out-of-state undergraduates. That kept them and UO’s faculty employed, but led to a relative decline in research resources and focus, and our national reputation.

And if you ignore the math error and the cheap shot at the faculty who’ve stuck with Oregon’s flagship university through all this, it’s hard to argue with their conclusion, here:

The [Chronicle] article goes on to suggest that the UO has reached an inflection point: Either the trade-offs of quality vs. quantity will be locked in, or something will happen to initiate a virtuous cycle, with first-rate academic programs attracting first-rate faculty to create first-rate academic programs.

Launching such a cycle would depend on leadership and money. That’s why so much is riding on Michael Schill, who in July became the UO’s fifth president in six years, and on the university’s $2 billion fundraising campaign. Other factors will also be at play, but leadership and self-generated resources are the two that are most subject to the university’s control.

The “flawed reputation” in the Chronicle’s headline is disheartening but undeniable. The task now is to confront it boldly, and bend the UO’s trajectory in an upward direction.

9/13/2015: Register Guard editorial on UO President Mike Schill

“Schill’s academic focus: New UO president hopes to replicate athletic success in labs and classrooms” 

In the RG here:

My Dad and Yogi Berra

Both baseball catchers. Both recruited out of high school by Branch Rickey for the Cardinals. Both fought in WWII in the invasion of southern France. Both indifferent students. Dad came back from the war convinced that “Harbaugh, you are an ignorant man” so he applied to graduate school at Columbia, the day after the ticker-tape…

Trigger Warning

The gist: … However, the Faculty Senate does not endorse offering “trigger warnings” or otherwise labeling controversial material in such a way that students construe it as an option to “opt out” of engaging with texts or concepts, or otherwise not participating in intellectual inquiries. … In issuing this statement, the Faculty…

Tim Clevenger and 160over90’s $5M “We If” brand campaign loses award to Tyler Junior College’s registration video

You can’t make this shit up. Thanks to an anonymous reader for the link. 160over90 was also in a 4-way tie for second place in the not very prestigious “Individual Sub-Websites” category: University of Oregon – University of Oregon “Explore If” website This website was built as a special landing page…

AAU’s intentionally crippled $5.5M rape survey replicates Freyd results

For the details on why the AAU conducted their survey, why AAU President Hunter Rawlings the III intentionally crippled its usefulness by not releasing the data with institutional identifiers, why less than half the AAU schools participated, and how UO VPSL Robin Holmes tried and failed to discredit UO Professor Jennifer Freyd and the multi-university…

Pete DeFazio crushed under rubble of PLC during earthquake talk

Just kidding. Unlike those UO economics professors who regularly violate the theory of compensating wage differentials by putting their lives in harm’s way while regressing from their offices in the PLC deathtrap for just 72% of their peers’ salary, Pete DeFazio is way too smart to enter the building. So the earthquake event will be in HEDCO 230T,…

Nike’s Mariota Shout video gets 1/3 hits of Duck Snowpocalypse attack

That also seems like a reasonable estimate of the ratio of good to bad publicity that big-time Duck athletics has brought to UO lately, not counting the damage from basketball coach Dana Altman of course. With only 1.8M hits, the Animal House Shout video starring Marcus Mariota that was produced by…

New Lane County DA Patty Perlow to work with SAAC, not UO Senate

9/17/2015: This is the UO administration’s “advisory council”, that was appointed without consulting with the UO Senate. Or maybe it’s the Title IX Management Team that was appointed without consulting the Senate. Because sexual assault is not an academic matter? I’m no law professor, but I believe the whole reason Title IX applies…

College and upward mobility

Long piece in the NYT, here. Very interesting stuff: The University of California is struggling with budget woes that have deeply affected campus life. Yet the system’s nine colleges still lead the nation in providing top-flight college education to the masses. At many other colleges, poor and truly middle-class students remain…

UO won’t release auditor’s instructions for upcoming athletics audit

9/17/2015: Move it along professor, nothing to see here. Really?

From: “Thornton, Lisa” <[email protected]> Subject: Public Records Request 2016-PRR-078
Date: September 17, 2015 at 11:04:14 AM PDT
To: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]


Dear Mr. Harbaugh-

Records responsive to your request made 9/15/2015 [for a copy of the instructions to the auditor showing what he will examine, etc.] are exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.501 (37).  However, the university has chosen to provide you with the preliminary objectives of the upcoming athletics risk assessmentt, which you can find below.

The Objectives

•  To gain an understanding of the athletics program in order to identify inherent risks.

•  Identify systems and processes along with related controls that are intended to mitigate these risks.

•  The results of this work will be used to develop a multiple year, risk based audit plan. 

The office considers this to be fully responsive to your request, and will now close your matter. Thank you for contacting the office with your request.

Sincerely, Lisa Thornton, Office of Public Records

The DOJ’s Public Records Manual says, regarding ORS 192.501 (37):

Enacted in 2011, this exemption allows, but does not require, public bodies to decline to disclose documents and information related to audits of the public body (or audits the public body is conducting with respect to other public bodies) while the audit is ongoing. In order to qualify for this exemption, the auditor or audit organization must be operating under “nationally recognized government auditing standards,” and the audit must still be ongoing. An audit is ongoing when it has not been abandoned, and the final audit report in accordance with nationally recognized government auditing standards has not been issued. Note that this exemption expressly states that it “does not prohibit disclosure of a draft audit report that is provided to the audited entity for the entity’s response to the audit findings.”

9/10/2015: Page down for latest email from UO auditor Brenda Muirhead.

5/20/2015: Audit of athletic dept risks due this fall – and another cut to Duck subsidies?

The last audit cut the subsidy for the Ducks by $555,227, recurring. How much will this one save?

As questions about search firms increase, so does UO’s use of them

Insidehighered has a story today about the role of search firms in hiring university administrators, focusing on Parker Search and the botched University of Iowa presidential search.  It seems that was a political set-up, and Parker president Laurie Wilder was just along for the ride. While Iowa paid Parker $200K, UO Trustee Connie Ballmer…