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Posts published by “uomatters”

Ducks paid sex offender $4,000 for football sex assault prevention talk

9/30/2014: Now with a report from KATU News. UO’s well-paid PR flacks Craig Pintens and Tobin Klinger were apparently not willing to talk about this one on camera: 928/2014: It is, of course, common for repentant criminals to give “scared straight” talks about how their bad choices ruined their lives.…

Scott Greenstone in the ODE on UO’s freshman class

Excellent reporting. Read it all, here: … Targeting low-income students helps diversity because minority students are statistically more likely to fall into the low-income bracket, according to Grant Schoonover, an adviser for Pathway Oregon. “There’s a greater number of first generation and historically underrepresented students in that cross-section,” Schoonover said.…

“Nude models can be found on the UO campus in an unstructured and unmonitored environment”

Mark Baker has the full report from UO’s Interim Dean of Architecture and Art, here. FWIW, the NYC Armory Show was 101 years ago. I can’t find an RG story from 1913, but this letter to the NYT captures the general outrage of propertied classes everywhere:

Admin yields to Senate on sexual assault, still hiding basketball docs

The RG has the story on Coltrane’s agreement to some but not all of the initial Senate Task Force proposals, here. From what I’ve read most campus sexual assaults are linked to athletics, fraternities, and alcohol. None of these initial recommendations target these problems. Notably, Dana Altman and Rob Mullens have admitted…

UO administration “being hysterical and wanting to do stupid things”

Sounds like a typical Johnson Hall weekday under our previous presidents, but this is about the basketball rape allegations. KATU TV has the report and public records, here. “That was exactly the right decision,” [UOPD Sergeant Kathy Flynn] says in the voicemail [to the EPD], “and what should have been done…