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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Comments and Disqus

I’m trying a new system for comments, called Disqus, you’ve probably seen it on other blogs. It works now, but the last 2 days of comments are being transferred, and may not show up for a day or so. To comment you should create a free, anonymous Disqus account. It…

Updated with Senate debate: Senate vote for investigation of Espy’s office

3/13/2013: From the Senate meeting, video soon. 3.5 Motion (Legislation): Senate-Administration Joint Review of the Office ofResearch & Innovation (RIGE); Bill Harbaugh, Professor (Economics) & UO Senator. Kyr: Supported by Pres Gottfredson. Harbaugh: “This committee could recommend to President Gottfredson that UO needs a new VP for Research.” Ed Kamenui: Chair…