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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

New UO re-opening plan has no actual criteria

The gist is a list of “criteria” that includes no actual criteria, standards, numbers, trends, required first or second derivative signs, or any other metrics.

So it’s gonna be a judgement call, and Provost Phillips is not going to disclose what criteria actually need to be met to reopen in-person teaching at UO:

On or before August 26, the university will make a decision about whether to alter our plans and either more significantly reduce the number of in-person courses or transition to a fully remote model for the fall. This decision will be based on public health guidance and the following criteria:

  • Indications of increasing community spread
  • County reopening phase level
  • Rate of county rapid testing turnaround times, and capacity for UO to provide testing to help sustain county needs
  • Capacity of contact tracing and case management at health authority, for example Lane County Public Health (LCPH) in Eugene, including UO contact tracing resources assigned to support LCPH
  • Implementation of protocols for enforcement of behavioral interventions, especially face coverings
  • Capacity of on-campus self-isolation space for students living in University Housing
  • Access to and availability of personal protective equipment needed to remain operational
  • Ability to maintain proper levels of cleaning and sanitation
  • Status of local K-12 schools and impacts on university personnel

Meanwhile UO’s Public Records Office is still delaying the release of basic testing data:

Full text online here and below the break:

Trump caves on Int’l students the day after UO files lawsuit

7/14/2020 update:

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security rescinded a July 6 policy directive that would have required international students to take at least some in-person college coursework in order to remain in the U.S.

The government agreed to rescind the guidance to resolve a lawsuit filed by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The rescinding of the directive, and an associated FAQ released on July 7, means the government reverts back to a March guidance that allowed international students to remain in the U.S. while taking a fully online course load. …

7/13/2020: GC Kevin Reed hires outside lawyers to sue Homeland Security

The docket and complaint are here, courtesy of the Free Law Project. I’m no law professor but much of this seems to be cribbed from the Harvard and MIT complaint filed last week, here. Presumably Ted Olson – a founding member of the Federalist Society – and his firm are giving us a discount:

Faculty Union bargaining update – next session this Tu 9AM til ?

From, all posted below: United Academics and the administration reconvened last week to discuss potential salary cuts, the restoration of fall FTE for affected Career faculty, and a plan for expectation of continuing employment for all Career faculty. The bargaining conversations have begun with each side presenting and discussing…

3:00 p.m. Finance and Facilities Committee

[reposted because of reserve and media contract stuff]

3:00 p.m. Finance and Facilities Committee

1. Audited Financial Statements: Jamie Moffitt, Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO; Kelly Wolf, Associate Vice President and Controller; Scott Simpson, Partner, Moss Adams

Here’s one metric where UO is not at the bottom of the AAU – reserves:

2. Quarterly Financial Reports and Annual Treasury Report: Jamie Moffitt, Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO; Karen Levear, Director, Treasury Operations

All these business people on the board, and the only trustee who found the error in the report is the UO staff trustee, Jimmy Murray, a librarian. Controller Kelly Wolf thanks him.

As usual these reports do not include any information on the athletics budget, or the various tax changes affecting it, or their subsidies, or their debt obligations. This is despite the fact that in the past trustees have specifically asked to see this.

University to cut 11 subsidized sports due to budget crisis

That would be Stanford University – thanks to several readers for the forward. Sacrifices must be made. Except by the golfers, I can’t help but notice: Stanford University logo JULY 8, 2020 An Open Letter to the Stanford Community and the Stanford Athletics Family Marc Tessier-Lavigne, President Persis Drell, Provost…

Pres Schill and Prov Phillips on Trump’s latest nastiness

Dear University of Oregon community, The federal government’s recent guidance forcing the immediate exit from the United States of international students enrolled entirely in online or remote classes is cruel, unfair, and misguided. This is a reversal of guidance issued at the onset of the pandemic that had created helpful…

Changes in UO expenditure authorizations from 2014 to 2020 budgets

Note: These data are from They show authorized expenditures – not actual expenditures. For example, the Law School is authorised to spend $10.8M this year, they probably spent more that $18M. I’ve sorted these by the $ change from 2013-2014 to the 2019-2020 AY. Changes in accounting mean that…